hilo: Warframe
Pennsylvania, USAVelocikitty6 years ago

It really is. I never heard of it until today, and I am frequently on Reddit too.

hilo: Warframe
Pennsylvania, USAVelocikitty6 years ago

Because going to 20 waves, is fairly common. You can do them with PuGs. (Most go to 20 waves to begin with.) The difficulty isn't there. As opposed to going in with a group of people you know, and play well with. 20 waves means suddenly the board gets swamped by anyone who is doing multiple rotations trying to get loot. Good exposure, but also means that we end up overwhelming our moderators.

Speedruning Mercury is fast, yes, but also comes down to tile knowledge. It comes down to making sure you are doing what you need to.

Speedruns are either fun, or challenging. Or a mixture of both. I don't speedrun for challenge, I speedrun cause its fun. I want to show my skills off in Warframe. I can do that via speedrunning, more than I can, for say Fashionframe. If you want challenge, you may want to find a different game.

hilo: Warframe
Pennsylvania, USAVelocikitty6 years ago

Like I said, my issue was with 20. (It was just too common of a wave to leave at, that it'd be a mess to try to keep straight.)

Same thing I said with Raids, not something I'll do, but if you want to, do it.

hilo: Warframe
Pennsylvania, USAVelocikitty6 years ago

The issue is, there is no way to tell what is WR and what isn't, because its fairly common.

hilo: Warframe
Pennsylvania, USAVelocikitty6 years ago

The issue is: With 20 waves, its already common enough.

You'd have to go at least 50 for it to not be something that already happens semi-naturally.

hilo: Warframe
Pennsylvania, USAVelocikitty6 years ago

You can also include them in the description of the video too.

hilo: Warframe
Pennsylvania, USAVelocikitty6 years ago

You could just use 2... Same exact thing, if not slightly faster, and no stand up animation.

hilo: Warframe
Pennsylvania, USAVelocikitty6 years ago

Yup, this was just posted as as suggestion for those who don't want to do Nova like me, or who can't use Volt, again like I can't. (FoV sickness from his speed boost sucks.)

hilo: Warframe
Pennsylvania, USAVelocikitty6 years ago

I also heard about a mod that increases the aura effects... May have to track one down. Make this go even faster!

hilo: Warframe
Pennsylvania, USAVelocikitty6 years ago


I have 1.81 sprint speed, BEFORE Turb's Agument, and Sprint Boost is applied.


The downside is the floatiness, and I'm pretty sure you hit the max speed the engine will allow you to go.

Reason I build Efficiency over Duration, is simply because 23~ seconds of turbulance for 19 energy as opposed to 38 for 53.

hilo: Warframe
Pennsylvania, USAVelocikitty6 years ago

I did it once, I'm more likely to go back to OA than I am Harrow.

Ugh mission is Ugh.

But couldn't figure out how to PM Nus, so tossed it up here instead.

hilo: Warframe
Pennsylvania, USAVelocikitty6 years ago

That might explain why I missed it.

Like I said, supposedly.

hilo: Warframe
Pennsylvania, USAVelocikitty6 years ago

Supposedly the last map, there is some sort of gas clouds. (That recharge energy.)

Someone in my clan's chat was saying something about it.

hilo: Warframe
Pennsylvania, USAVelocikitty6 years ago

I applied, I think my timing was right, but dunno.

Would love to join though <3

hilo: Warframe
Pennsylvania, USAVelocikitty7 years ago

Replied, I do have discord xD

zopney les gusta esto
hilo: Warframe
Pennsylvania, USAVelocikitty7 years ago

Submitted a run.

God I sucked at it.

Don't whisper me on Twitch (Have them hard disabled after being told to hurt myself for "arresting" a big streamer, among other things.)

zopney les gusta esto
hilo: Warframe
Pennsylvania, USAVelocikitty7 years ago

Will a Planet Speedrun count?

zopney les gusta esto
hilo: Warframe
Pennsylvania, USAVelocikitty7 years ago

I was going to jump back into speed running. (Celestics and I were kinda the creators of it, but past a single run, I never did do anymore again.) But I need to flag Celetics down to figure out what the hell stuff would be considered map wise anymore.

I doubt it comes down to lack of players, the map change hit one of the more interesting categories pretty hard. (Which was start of a planet to boss runs.) Its possible to do these runs still, but would need a hell of a lot more categories per planet. (Since some planets have multiple entry points, instead of one standard "This is where everyone starts" start.

You also have should realize just how boring raids are compared to other MMOs. (I never did get to the second raid, I burned out hard on the first one, aka button sitting simulator 2016, after my clan got into Hard Mode most of us just stopped.) so the fact people even attempt to run that category is pretty amazing. Add on top of it the fastest run is literally not even 10 minutes long, I don't think its going to be something someone can pick up and just be able to join in. (Which was why I was happy to try to foster a Speedrunning Community in a Free to Play that most could join without decent hardware, etc.) Just by how when they were first released, 45 minutes was a quick "run" with people who literally have maxed out mods, and such.

Still love Warframe though.

Cl0wnslayer les gusta esto
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