Devon, EnglandTricrow1 year ago

Watching that boss fight sure was terrifying.

hilo: Coromon
Devon, EnglandTricrow1 year ago

Yup I cannot deny that the movement puzzles are a decent amount harder on higher speed but I'm certainly getting used to it by now. hopefully I get the time to sitdown & record a run soon.

hilo: Coromon
Devon, EnglandTricrow1 year ago

So in the most recent update of this game, they added options for x2 battle speed an x2 game speed. This means all the runs currently on the board can be done in roughly half the time.

I was hoping to submit soon & maybe also do some more of the randomiser stuff too. Just wondered how people felt about it or if I should not bother submitting.

Devon, EnglandTricrow1 year ago

Any% never did require you to complete all spirit story lines. Just completing the "Stella's last voyage" questline should be enough.

Devon, EnglandTricrow2 years ago

I think Alt F4 would be fine. We already quit out in some scienarios anyway. It is kinda the same as "oh no my game crashed at this very convenient moment for me". So let's not waste an hour or two in having to playing the game again.

Rataskor les gusta esto
Devon, EnglandTricrow3 years ago

For Steam you can do something like make a second steam account then 'family' game share the game across so that you can play again for free from a fresh account.

That's what I would recommend at least! Showing that you have no achivements at the start & all of them at the end would assist in verifying :) have fun my friend.

xyshard les gusta esto
Devon, EnglandTricrow3 years ago

Hi Friend,

Currently, the main reason is that no one has done it. Additionally, the Dev's are brining more to the game this year so any 100% runs right now would eventually get obsoleted. It's also hard to define 100% as is it all collectables? All buildings? All side quests? At what point does it stop.

I will say all runs should require video proof.

If someone was interested in a 100% category I wouldn't mind figuring it out in the forums here.

xyshard les gusta esto
Devon, EnglandTricrow3 years ago

Yeah I actually completely forgot about this. Deleted my run of all chapters as it doesn't count anymore. Not sure if I'll do a full run but feel free to do so yourself :)

RaggedDan y IvanderLatidjan les gusta esto
Devon, EnglandTricrow3 years ago

I am sorry for the delay in responding. I do assume you mean first input after skipping the cutscene? If so, if we went via first input technically you could wait ages at the start without actually putting to get more optimal cycles for day/night and that's something that I don't want to deal with.

A suggestion could be to start time on the skip intro input? I would like to know what other people would think about this.

However, I do feel like the main issue is that switch is just slower and that's not something we can deal with properly without a load remover/Autosplitter.

Devon, EnglandTricrow4 years ago

So the main crash points I have found are when we try to skip a cutscene or when reinforcements are spawning in for wave missions ect. (With a third being loading in for missions every now and again)

So here are the things we've currently noticed make us seem to crash less. Whether this is actually true or just confirmation via placebo is unknown but here we are.

-Turning on Vsync - Limiting the frames with Vsync seem to make the game freak out less and in doing so crash less.

-Playing fullscreen - Although I don't do this myself one of us found they crash less while running in fullscreen. Give it a go!

-Turning off dialgoue - Probably the one that I find the strangest and most likely to be Placebo but at least two of us have found turning off dialgues have helped us crash less when running it.

Please feel free to mention any other odd supersitutions below that have helped you crash less when trying to play I'll add em to the list.

"Yeah actually I've found this game never crashes if I make sure to keep my legs crossed the entire time crazy I know"

Devon, EnglandTricrow4 years ago

Just let me know if there's anything else that would be good!

Best contact me on the discord. Have fun Xcoming <3

hilo: XCOM 2
Devon, EnglandTricrow4 years ago

I'm sorry for not noticing the forums.

The Category rules are the correct ones.

The rules posted on the top scorers time is just their own rules that they abided by. It is not required whatsoever to be on legend or Ironman.

Devon, EnglandTricrow4 years ago

I actually had already done this in my Warriror 6 speedrun prior. It keeps you in the same place you were when you landed on the trapdoor. If you land anywhere that's not connected to the map you softlock so it's extremely reset happy.

I was running a while back so it may be patched out as it was super simple to do just backing out then entering in again.

Hope this helps GL

Devon, EnglandTricrow4 years ago

So, Backstage has now been implemented. Let me know whatcha think of it. Best of luck to you all.

Devon, EnglandTricrow5 years ago

Just to mention the discord link you've made has expired. So you may need to edit and post a new one. Preferabily one that doesn't expire.

Devon, EnglandTricrow5 years ago

Hey I plan to run the game after I complete it casually. I notice when looking back to prior missions your characters stay leveled Plus you can keep whatever party comp and such.

I thought it would be cool to either have a NG+ or a All missions catagory where you could play from a completed save file.

I look forward to doing this run + Any% in due time. <3

Melwing17 les gusta esto
hilo: XCOM 2
Devon, EnglandTricrow5 years ago

So it was found recently that if you save the game during the animation of the last action of the game and then load that save you can skip the enemies turn entirely.

This can also be used to skip animations that would follow as it would load the game in after the animations happen.

As this is the case, this makes the with DLC pretty much exactly the same as the No DLC run. Unless we make it so we have to either complete the missions or, remove the need to have the missions be done. This would mean we have to do the missions (Adding more time on) Or have to deal with Rulers in the run ( Adding more time on)

hilo: Omensight
Devon, EnglandTricrow5 years ago

Unfortunately after further investigation it seems like you lose all progress and everything you learned during the day if you go back to the tree so it''s pretty much utterly pointless unless we can findout some sort of glitch behind it

hilo: Omensight
Devon, EnglandTricrow5 years ago

The new 1.04 update just added a new ending to the game plus being able to return to the tree mid run to potencially saving time! Just making a note here if anyone else is interested! Other things could change but I haven't gone through it all yet.

hilo: XCOM 2
Devon, EnglandTricrow5 years ago

For example I just did the Blacksite mission (The one where you pick up the Vile) In just under 20 minutes. I had a bunch of mistakes/Glitched menu's in that run.

ApocalypticShen les gusta esto
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