GermanyTreZc0_1 year ago

Too arbitrary. Also please suggest category extensions in the Discord.

GermanyTreZc0_1 year ago

Not for now. Later for sure.

GermanyTreZc0_1 year ago

True that. We'll discuss it on discord

GermanyTreZc0_1 year ago

Seems fairly arbitrary, so not sure about that one. GSI Any% is not that long after all.

GermanyTreZc0_1 year ago

Yea, definitely will happen, but we need to define the actual requirements first.

Tazmo les gusta esto
GermanyTreZc0_1 year ago

Yea, this will definitely happen. We're waiting for the main categories to be finalized before adding more extensions.

Envixityy, Naruu, y Tazmo les gusta esto
GermanyTreZc0_1 year ago

Yes that's fine, you still need to provide provide of a fresh boot and the version number however. In addition, changing the clock speed is not allowed

GermanyTreZc0_1 year ago

Agreed with Cephla, that's very arbitrary, even for extension boards, and especially this early in.

GermanyTreZc0_1 year ago

No, as stated by the global game rules

GermanyTreZc0_1 year ago

@kahuna - Maybe at a later point - there are no plans for now, mostly to not inflate verification workload by too much.

kahuna y Shauqinu les gusta esto
GermanyTreZc0_1 year ago

The latter. Switch emulators have been developed at outstanding pace, but lack the precision and accuracy to be able to properly compare runs to ones on actual hardware.

Thus, emulators are banned for the foreseeable future.

kahuna les gusta esto
GermanyTreZc0_1 year ago

we'll cross that bridge when we get there - for now, TotK will ask to be played on latest. a new patch afterwards will of course be checked first, and potentially necessary adjustmenet will be made.

oigboi, Nate09, y Tocapic les gusta esto
GermanyTreZc0_1 year ago

Rules will require to be on latest version, so not on 1.0

Nate09 les gusta esto
GermanyTreZc0_1 year ago

Most things have been patched from botw.

grnts y kahuna les gusta esto
GermanyTreZc0_1 year ago

Seems to be a bug on SRC, there is no run.

Ivory, Zanum y 4 otros les gusta esto
GermanyTreZc0_1 year ago

i answered it in the other thread. We need time to sort out rules and timings and routes. Verifiers are volunteers, and in our opinion, it's of no use to make them sit through days of unplanned, casual runs.

This doesn't stop you from running, just from submitting for the first two weeks as progress is made.

Travixty, squinji y 2 otros les gusta esto
GermanyTreZc0_1 year ago

That's exactly the reason. We want to take our time to be able to enjoy the game, then formally develop categories and basic routes, before the leaderboard gets flooded with a ton of casual runs that someone needs to go through. Therefore, we decided to not open the leaderboards until 14 days after release.

grnts y Lammy les gusta esto
GermanyTreZc0_3 years ago

I think this is a great idea. I have seen at least 1 or 2 people do runs of the "GBC trifecta" lately.

Acerca de TreZc0_
9 years ago
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