United StatesTheDarkestUno3 years ago

Ah, uh, normally I would be down for adding it as a meme (misc.) category or an IL given that it had interest, but since this is a holiday event and will eventually be removed, I don't think it would necessarily be in the best interest to add it to the leaderboards since people eventually will be not able to play through it again.

That's my opinion though.

If you're looking for some best times though, I would recommend looking through Mod Elena's (@JagexElena) tweets & replies as it seems she's commented on a few good runs over there. (0:50 being the best I can see so far).

As a last tidbit though: I mean, if there's enough interest shown, it might be okay to add it. It would just be weird to add a category, where in the future, people would never be able to submit a run, you know what I mean?

EDIT: I just realized I didn't even answer your original question. Best way to submit/suggest a category is by doing what you did; submitting a forum post and/or hopping on the discord and suggesting it there.

MattCrystal les gusta esto
United StatesTheDarkestUno3 years ago

Added it to the level leaderboards for ya.

United StatesTheDarkestUno4 years ago

Oh, countless. I would imagine, total combined between all OSRS speedrunners, easily in the thousands.

United StatesTheDarkestUno4 years ago

There'a lot of nuances to getting a good tutorial island time. It's probably the category where everybody strives to be as close to tick perfect as possible.

But with that being said, fight the strong fight and keep pushing forward :)

AleshaStyle les gusta esto
United StatesTheDarkestUno4 years ago

I'm not entirely sure at this point, hopefully it doesn't come down to that as that change is tentative I believe.

That's something we would have to discuss within the community, i.e. discord.

I imagine if PVP worlds were entirely removed and never to come back, we would have to split the leaderboard into two categories, having something like a legacy category with runs that use PVP worlds and another category with those that don't.

Just my idea of what might happen, but take it with a grain of salt.

United StatesTheDarkestUno4 years ago

Boom, there it is.

Thanks for bringing it up (forgot about it when making the level leaderboard).

Ru642 les gusta esto
United StatesTheDarkestUno4 years ago

I mean, what's there to it?

Tutorial Island -> Count Check teleport -> optimal route through the floors w/ question door rng + monster rng -> Completion.

If you wanted to collect the rewards, you would have to set up authenticator every time as well, so I would assume we wouldn't do that.

Timing would probably end once you use click on the last chest even if you don't have authenticator.

Not much to the category itself, but that shouldn't stop you from running if you want to run it. I would consider throwing it on as a misc category or something if enough people do it.

United StatesTheDarkestUno5 years ago

Interesting that another bug/glitch/skip was found, nicely done.

It would be multilog, but the meta for Tutorial Island has already evolved into needing multilog strats to be efficient, so that's acceptable.

The only problem in the foreseeable future is if they were to patch it out. I'm not quite sure what we would do with your run (assuming it WR's again). But for the time being, I would say go for it, but that's just my opinion.

United StatesTheDarkestUno5 years ago

Those runs actually required authenticator to be used in order to claim from the first chest.

So yeah, if you wanted to do a route with authenticator, you're good to go.

zipper559 les gusta esto
United StatesTheDarkestUno5 years ago

I don't know if there is an official guide/route out there for a F2P Ironman Dragon Slayer run yet, but there definitely have been a few theory routes floating around here and there.

I don't have the links directly, but I'm sure you could ask around in the discord and see what comes up! The main problem with Dragon Slayer as a F2P Ironman are the steel nails. 33 smithing takes awfully long (1-2 hours mining alone, fighting against bots), and the other alternative is killing Moss Giants for steel bars which is more RNG based.

But yeah, I would recommend hopping on discord if you have any questions or want to discuss more about OSRS speedruns. We don't bite :)

United StatesTheDarkestUno5 years ago

Looks like Rubic just got in a reply to your questions on the RS3 thread, but in the future if you have any questions that don't happen to answered immediately on the forums, feel free to hit up our discord (it's a joint discord between the games).

Theyflower les gusta esto
United StatesTheDarkestUno6 years ago

I agree, either option would be fine.

Just something to more consistently time off of.

United StatesTheDarkestUno6 years ago

It has been brought to our attention that the start timing of OSRS categories, specifically, Tutorial Island, seem off and should be changed.

Let's go into detail.

With a competitive category such as Tutorial Island, frames and tenths of seconds matter. As you may know, Old School Runescape operates in ticks, which equates to 0.6 seconds per tick. With our current start placement for runs (i.e clicking the accept button), there is a possibility where the moment you click accept, a tick had already started and you're waiting for the next game tick to occur while you already started the counter. This is a problem as you may lose time just by not starting on the right tick.

To combat this issue, the moderators were suggested that the start time for Tutorial Island be moved from clicking accept to starting the timer after the accept screen (character creation screen), disappears. Upon hearing this idea, the moderators agreed that such change is understandable and should be implemented. Also from a moderation perspective, it would be easier to time the exact moment a run "starts" compared to the way it is now. With the way it is now, it can be hard to tell when a runner exactly clicks accept if their mouse shows no click action, whereas it is easier to tell exactly when the accept screen disappears.

EDIT: We are now interested in applying this new timing change to all categories. This would mean all runs would be re-timed to incorporate this new start timing.

What's the point of this thread then? Well, we as moderators like to be transparent and community-involved, hence this thread. Mainly, we were interested in if there would be any reason NOT to implement this change of start time. If there is any reason we missed or any reason you think is notable feel free to list below.

TL;DR (EDIT : 11/18/2017) New start time for ALL RTA CATEGORIES. New start time changed from clicking accept to accept screen (character creation) disappearing. If you have any opinion to why this change should not take place, feel free to post below.

United StatesTheDarkestUno6 years ago

I think at this point, personally, it just all comes down to what's fun to speedrun, because that's why we do this right?

In my opinion, setting up other accounts and using them alongside the run isn't fun.

But there'll be the argument that we already spend time setting up for authenticator, why not spend time on multilog? Setting up authenticator is a one time event, happens prior to the run, and doesn't affect anything else for the rest of the run. Multilog strats require use throughout the run on multiple occasions.

There's also the argument that we're suppose to be speedrunners and do the fastest possible execution according to the category. Sure, that should be the case, but we shouldn't be forced to multilog in order to achieve the hypothetical "faster" time. I realize that this is of personal opinion, but multilogging brings a change deserving of it's own category.

But then, there'll be the argument of "just don't multilog then and have a slower time." Okay, try telling that to someone competitively engaging in a speedrun they once thought of as fun. They'll be forced to multilog in order to compete for faster times. I realize that this comes off as whiny and entitled, but by introducing multilog, you're changing the scope and policy of the speedrun in a way that doesn't appeal to others and myself.

And finally, there also be the argument of, "well, multilog doesn't bring that much of a discrepancy that would qualify for a sub-category." To that I would argue that it would. It affects the playstyle of the runner and hypothetically drastically reduces time (going from what I've been hearing), thus it would force competitive runners to abandon non-multilog routes in order for the fastest. (assuming if they were in a category together)

Going thrown in a quote from LadyRedPool on category separation as well: "Besides that, this isn't an any % run, and plenty of games have different categories for glitchless runs, glitched runs, and runs allowing glitches but banning specific ones, either because it isn't fun, or because it's against the spirit of the run, or because a significant portion of the community simply said no. This feels more like one of those cases, where if it were allowed it should be a different category even though it isn't a glitch, it is the same argument of "the fastest possible way"."

You can bring up other games and their speedrunning communities and how they approached things, but the thing is, this is our community. Not Breath of the Wild's, Not Portal, Not Mario Kart, This is OSRS's community and our decision as a whole.

Also, just to bring up a side note:

Let's assume each one of these were a category on their own; F2P Ironman Champions' Guild no multilog, F2P Ironman Champions' Guild any% (multilog included), F2P Champions' Guild any%.

Which would be ran the most?

United StatesTheDarkestUno6 years ago

I suppose to avoid contradicting myself, I would technically consider using another person's fire on tutorial island as multilog as well.

You are right on that point.

United StatesTheDarkestUno6 years ago

I personally would still classify picking up others' ashes as multilog, but as a compromise, I would probably be okay with letting that go.

Using other players' fires on tutorial island is a toss-up, either decision (multilog or not) is fine with me.

I don't know the best way of implementing everyone's opinions (since they are differing ones at that), but as of right now, the polling mechanism within discord and having it be limited to runners only sounds like a good temporary solution.

We could have a poll question regarding each instance (should X be considered multilog, should multilog be allowed, should there be separate categories, etc.)

That being said, I would be open to hear other potential solutions to incorporating everyone's opinions and what to do as a result.

United StatesTheDarkestUno6 years ago

I'm going to copy and paste some stuff from 2016 discussion that still remains true:

"I'm a big fan of our current routing as everything you do is done solely by yourself, is achieved without external help (hence ironman), and agree that multilogging feels like it ruins the point of the category. In all honesty, I don't think setting up a multitude of accounts and suiciding them and doing other things with them while doing the main route sounds fun at all." -TheDarkestUno 2016

"One thing I don't like about multilogging strats is how much more it will limit what hardware people will be able to speedrun the game on. Some of OSRS's strongest appeal is that it's a game which can run on very low specs PCs. Requiring players to multiclient can cause lots of lagg and will deter players from speedrunning this game. The additional setup required to get enough accounts in position to die for you at a specific time will make resets more annoying and further deter players from speedrunning this game." -Metruption 2016

As for a 2017 viewpoint, I'm still heavily against anything that even correlates to multilogging, including: 1) Picking up another person's ashes 2) Picking up another player's bones 3) Using any account (your's or somebody else's) to aid in the run. a) This includes body-blocking Count Draynor, suiciding accounts for bones, using an alt to make a fire prior, alts damaging rats on Tutorial Island, etc. 4) Having friends/other people aid in the run (opening doors repeatedly, selling wines to the wine shop, etc.)

This begs the question, where do we draw the line? I think some of these things should should still be allowed within the run: 1) Having a couple doors be conveniently open (no way to avoid this, shouldn't be classified as multilog if it's only a couple select occasions) 2) Having the coffin be open during Restless Ghost Essentially anything that we can't avoid if somebody else messes with during the run.

One thing I would be okay with being allowed or disallowed would be using somebody else's fire to cook food on Tutorial Island. I could see both sides of this.

Multilogging ruins the point and essence of the run and defeats the person of being an ironman. Even though multilogging strats may become "optimal" and faster, I believe that multilogging shouldn't be allowed in most situations. If we do decide to continue to allow the incorporation of multilog runs, I believe we should subjugate them under a new sub-category as we currently do when separating UIM and IM runs. (For example, we would have a F2P Champ's Guild no multilog, and a F2P Champ's Guild any%)

The problem that would still stand would be, how would we be able to tell when someone is repeatedly assisting in the run? The thing is we can't, in most situations. We aren't able to tell if a runner simply got good wines or if someone stocked them prior. We aren't able to tell if someone just conveniently opens doors and disappears before the runner gets there. It's hard to enforce these things from a moderation perspective. a) We can however tell if you are suiciding accounts and picking up bones, picking up other's ashes, or body-blocking Count Draynor.

We shouldn't have to rely on "Player RNG" in order for the run to be optimal. Normal game RNG is one thing, but to enforce and promote assistance from "Player RNG" is taking things a step too far. I'm very much of the idea that runners should do everything for themselves.

TL;DR: All in all, I'm heavily opposed to multilog strats as it defeats the purpose of the run and think we should separate multilog runs into their own sub-category. List of what I think "multilogging" entails listed above. Multilogging strats aren't fun and shouldn't be enforced in order to be optimal. We shouldn't promote "Player RNG" as required in order to be optimal in the run.

LadyRedpool les gusta esto
United StatesTheDarkestUno6 years ago

You covered a few ground reasons why we don't have categories such like the one you suggested (I.E fastest to get to X amount of xp in a skill).

 You are right in that the categories we have now all revolve around quest completion (besides Tutorial Island), and that's because Runescape as a game is an MMORPG, thus does not have an end goal. However, quests fill that "end goal" for speedrun purposes and allow us to make categories that have a "definitive end goal". You also hit the head on the nail in saying that have an open-ended quest completion speedrun allows for routing differences and thus routing competition and making. 

 When it comes to skilling categories (gain X xp in the fastest time), there will always be the one absolute fastest method and no deviation will occur. However, you could argue that in the end, for most speedruns, there will always be a route that's fastest in the end and will be the sole route being run, which I can see that point. With these skilling categories as well, people who aren't at 99 in the skill are at a disadvantage because of how the game works (i.e. Fastest to 100k woodcutting, someone with 99 woodcutting would be able to cut trees down faster than someone with 50 woodcutting). So have something like a skilling category already limits the amount of people that can participate (which with Runescape as a speedgame, we aren't a very popular speedgame to begin with).

 Breaking these paragraphs up a little more, so it isn't a big wall of text. The next problem I can see with skilling categories is that they will 99.99% of the time will require members, which all of our current categories don't require members. This is for good reason too. As a speedgame, you want to make it as accessible as possible, and having F2P categories allows for everyone to have the chance at participating and whenever you reset, you don't need to spend more money (ingame or real) to fund your member's account. I can see the argument of "Well, since it's a skilling category, you don't have to start an entire new account to reset the run." Which is fair, but brings me to my next point.

 You mentioned that skilling categories might not be of popular opinion, which I would have to agree with. Just from a new moderator's perspective (I'm the newest one, but I've been with the community since January 2016 when things first really kicked off), one of the criteria we look at when adding categories is how active will they be. In other words, if it were to be put up as a category, how many people would actively run it. For example, we as a moderation team thought about adding Raid speedrun times, but we didn't in the end because we didn't think the interest was there. Alongside my other points earlier about how limiting skilling categories can be and how the interest in them is already limited, I don't think most people would be interested in skilling categories. NOW, that's not to say that we're not open to the idea. If all of a sudden there were a group of people that wanted a skilling category, we as moderators and as a community would decide on whether to add it or not. Basically, if the interest is there, we'll consider adding it, but I don't think there would be.

 Last thing, and this is just a personal opinion, but I think skilling categories are a bit arbitrary. HOWEVER, you could argue that the categories we have now are arbitrary too, and I couldn't bring up any arguments against that.


  1. Quests give us as speedrunners to definitive end goal in a game that doesn't have an end goal.
  2. Skilling categories wouldn't have routing deviations and there would always be the one true best method.
  3. People without 99's in the particular skilling category would be at a disadvantage when compared to other runners.
  4. The general interest in skilling categories is very limited. (In a game where speedrunners are already rare to come by)
  5. Skilling categories would 99.99% of the time require members. (which limits the amount of runners even further)

5.5) (Personal Opinion) Skilling categories are a bit arbitrary.

United StatesTheDarkestUno6 years ago

It doesn't have to be livestreamed, otherwise I couldn't do runs myself either. (Not-so-good PC as well).

Recording and having video proof is substantial enough.

As for splits, it's really up to you. I personally like them being after quest completions or after a significant block of time. (i.e. mining/smithing section, or maybe a training split).

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