Superposition2 years ago

Fantastic video! Thank you for the effort. I knew for certain that Italian is the fastest language in Any% and assumed it is the fastest in All levels as well since the last level is so much faster, but now we know for sure! It is also good to know that the TAS seemingly can not be improved by switching languages before switching difficulty settings. Also as a small addendum: If we would time the last scenes before the credits roll, too, Italian would be even faster. For some strange reason, Italian misses some text boxes in the end, compared to all the other languages. And I would love to see this for Anakin as well :D

StarFalco64 les gusta esto
Superposition3 years ago

Yes, since the only objective is to beat the game with Anakin, only playing the final level is enough. There is skip that has to start with Obi-Wan, since it does not work otherwise. The playthrough starts from a new savefile and when performing said skip, every level and the Master mode for Anakin will be unlocked afterwards, so the game counts it as a real play-through as well. If you are interested how it works, take a look at this TAS: At about 9 minutes you see the skip, an explanation can be found in the comments at said timestamp (or ask me if something is unclear).

Superposition3 years ago

Hey, I am the new moderator of this game. Since in the past there were some inconsistencies regarding when to stop the run, I have added the rule that the time ends at the bright flash after the final duel, for Any% Obi-Wan and Any% Anakin, since this was the latest convention here and it has a nice visual indicator. If one is unsure about that time: It is approx. 2.930 seconds after the last dialogue input. Also, to have a consistent leaderboard, I have retimed the top run from everyone with respect to this rule. Hopefully, everyone is okay with that. Best wishes!

hilo: The Site
Superposition3 years ago

@starsmiley I am sorry for not meeting the requirement. By now, I have e-mail authentication enabled. And regarding the the contact requirement, it seems to be not possible for me to contact the Mod, because his Discord name is also invalid.

hilo: The Site
Superposition3 years ago

Hello, I am currently running Star Wars: Episode 3 for the GBA. Sadly, the Mod seems to be inactive for at least 9 months (one of my unverified runs is that old). I wrote him months ago via Messages, but got no answer. He seems to be inactive on his other socials as well (e.g., his Twitter account got removed). Thanks in advance, if you can help me.

Link to the game:

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Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith (GBA/DS)
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Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith (GBA/DS)