Ontario, CanadaSpiraster7 years ago

You could definitely run Legacy on 1.2, but the old No S+Q route (the tutorial by Leon that Zorlax posted) is a good option, too. It's slower than the current No S+Q route, but it's a really good run.

Ontario, CanadaSpiraster7 years ago

and just like that... a new copypasta was born

Warr90 les gusta esto
Ontario, CanadaSpiraster7 years ago

The main category that most people run is "Any% No S+Q/WW/OoB". Beat the game without saving and quitting, wrong warping, or going out of bounds. "Wrong warping" is basically using the doghouse glitch (if you're familiar with it). "Out of bounds" isn't necessarily as intuitive as it sounds, but the community rule for OoB is that Link can't go any more than 1 tile away from normally accessible tiles. There's also another category that is almost identical to this where S+Q is allowed; it's a slightly faster run, but it's also less popular.

If you're interested, there's a great tutorial series on Youtube by ZorlaxSeven that does a great job of teaching the run. It's a bit outdated right now, but it's still a great starting point. You can find it here:

Also, feel free to join our Discord server (I think the link is stickied at the top of the forum). Everyone there is really nice and we're happy to help with any questions you've got.

BambooShadow y Warr90 les gusta esto
Ontario, CanadaSpiraster7 years ago

You can name your splits whatever you like, because the autosplitter doesn't try to match specific events to specific splits anymore; it'll just split whenever it detects ANY event (that you've selected in the settings). It's up to the runner to make sure that their splits are in the same order that they expect the events to be triggered.

For example, if you check "L1 Sword" in the settings, but your first split is "Enter D1", then it'll still split when you grab the sword because the autosplitter doesn't know any better. But the question would be: if you want it to split for the sword then why don't you have a "Sword" split before "Enter D1"?

Does that example make sense?

I got rid of the name checking because it made setting up the autosplitter a much longer and more tedious process, it was confusing for some people, and it was ultimately unnecessary.

Please let me know if you can't get the autosplitter working, though. I really want it to just work for everyone.

BambooShadow les gusta esto
Ontario, CanadaSpiraster7 years ago

Update (v3.0.8):

  • Fixed issue where certain enemy kills would trigger instrument splits
  • Made change that should make the autosplitter more reliably find the emulator process (try this version if you're one of the people having trouble getting the autosplitter working)
  • Added split condition for the Pegasus Boots
  • Added split condition for the Angler Key
Ontario, CanadaSpiraster7 years ago

Update (v2.0.2):

  • Fixed issue with splits triggering early on the file select screen if there was another file with progress
Ontario, CanadaSpiraster7 years ago

Update (v2.0.1): Fixed some issues with early splits:

  • The "Onox" split was splitting when entering Hero's Cave (and probably elsewhere)
  • Splits could trigger after a S+Q if there was another save file with progress
hilo: FEZ
Ontario, CanadaSpiraster7 years ago

Update: (v1.1.0)

  • Implemented load removal for IGT
  • Updated pointers

Note: The pointers used should be consistent EXCEPT when launching FEZ for the first time after a computer reboot. If the autosplitter doesn't work right after a reboot, just close FEZ and launch it for a 2nd time. I've tried finding stable pointers for all situations (4 in particular), but apparently FEZ is strange and I haven't had any luck.

hilo: FEZ
Ontario, CanadaSpiraster7 years ago

I probably should, and this autosplitter is simple enough. It's really just personal preference for me.

hilo: FEZ
Ontario, CanadaSpiraster7 years ago

No it doesn't have any load removal. I didn't really think about it since we run with the in-game timer. I'll give it a look, though.

hilo: FEZ
Ontario, CanadaSpiraster7 years ago

Note: I've replaced the original (bad) autosplitter component with an updated ASL script. Just go to "Edit Splits..." -> "Activate" in LiveSplit to use it.

Hey guys. I've made a LiveSplit autosplitter for Fez.

It currently only has splits for Any%, but I'll be adding more in the future.

Hopefully you guys find it useful. Let me know if you have any questions/comments. I'll post here with any updates I make to the autosplitter, too.

Ontario, CanadaSpiraster7 years ago

I like Warr's list.

It's not clear on Trendy% or Save Papahl, but I think they should be Any% and No WW/OoB, respectively.

Warr90 les gusta esto
Ontario, CanadaSpiraster7 years ago

Update (v3.0.7):

  • D6 and D8 ICS splits will now trigger whether or not you've killed the minibosses
  • D8 ICS split now triggers in the first room of the dungeon rather than outside in order to accommodate the new route
Ontario, CanadaSpiraster8 years ago

Update (v3.0.6):

  • Added split condition for the L1 Bracelet
  • Added split condition for the Magic Rod
  • (Autosplitter settings dialog now shows the version number)

These new split conditions were added for the new LA routes.

Ontario, CanadaSpiraster8 years ago

They did in the old version, but it was poor design on my part. In the newer versions you just have to check which events you want to split for. ElPhezo has a picture of it above.

And thanks, glad you like it! :)

Ontario, CanadaSpiraster8 years ago

Yep, that's right, it should just split for each thing you've checked. It all looks good from your photos.

If you don't mind pinging me on Discord it'll be easier to help you troubleshoot.

Ontario, CanadaSpiraster8 years ago

Update (v2.0.0): Completely overhauled the settings:

  • Removed that awkward textbox implementation, and replaced it with checkboxes.
  • The names of your segments no longer matter to the autosplitter.
  • Just check all the events for which you want the autosplitter to split. Also:
  • Added "Veran Warp" split
  • Fixed "Save Nayru" split (would split during warp transitions)
  • Fixed "Defeat Veran" split (would split on Rolling Ridge after D2 Skip)

Note: The autosplitter will split for the checked events regardless of the current split, so make sure you have your splits set up to match your selected events.

Ontario, CanadaSpiraster8 years ago

Update (v2.0.0): Completely overhauled the settings:

  • Removed that awkward textbox implementation, and replaced it with checkboxes.
  • The names of your segments no longer matter to the autosplitter.
  • Just check all the events for which you want the autosplitter to split.

Note: The autosplitter will split for the checked events regardless of the current split, so make sure you have your splits set up to match your selected events.

Ontario, CanadaSpiraster8 years ago

Update (v3.0.1):

  • Fixed issue where splits that had triggered in a previous run would not trigger again after resetting the timer.

Sorry for the unnecessary update. This was a stupid oversight on my part.

Ontario, CanadaSpiraster8 years ago

Update (v3.0.0): Completely overhauled the autosplitter:

  • Removed that awkward textbox implementation, and replaced it with checkboxes.
  • The names of your segments no longer matter to the autosplitter.
  • Just check all the events for which you want the autosplitter to split.

Note: The autosplitter will split for the checked events regardless of the current split, so make sure you have your splits set up to match your selected events.

Acerca de Spiraster
8 years ago
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