Balearic Islands, SpainSpanishSebas6 years ago

Thanks for your help. I thought nobody was gonna answer xD

I know what an emulator is xD But I've always thought those had some kind of lag... and that's why I didn't try to run this game on it. I'll give it a try.

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Balearic Islands, SpainSpanishSebas6 years ago

Hi! I'm new in the speedrun community... so my questions might be silly xD

I recently started to speedrun this game. I play the Nintendo 3DS VC version because it's the one I'm more comfortable with right now (being european, our original NES game sucks... and to me it's hard to get an american NES from here. Also, I find other VC versions to have a lot of lag).

My question is: Can I submit runs from that version? If so, is it required for me to use a capture card... or can I just record the screen using an external device (camera, phone, etc...)? I know direct footage would be ideal, but that is pretty expensive for the 3DS xD

Last question: Is the run required to be streamed... or can I just record the video, then post it? Do I have to be physically visible in the video or can I just record the game screen?

As I said, many of this questions may be stupid... but I never really got into speedrunning before and I'm starting kind of blind here ;D

Thanks beforehand ^^

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6 years ago
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