Ohio, USASmileyz5 years ago

There are a lot of crossover fans between danganronpa and zero escape, the mods of the nonary games are already in the discord, and as of now we don't anticipate a completely new discord seeing much traffic. There may be one in the future given more demand/runners.

hilo: The Site
Ohio, USASmileyz5 years ago

Hey there. I would like to be made a series mod for the Danganronpa series. I have not seen the current series mod active on and we as a community have attempted to contact him via several methods for several weeks to months now to no avail. I am currently a mod or super mod in all the games and would like to extend that to series mod so I can add new mods for all of the games or make changes to the series as necessary.

Ohio, USASmileyz5 years ago

I also posted this on the other thread for this but I figured I should post here as well. There is now a leaderboard for the PC version of both 999 and VLR in case you're still interested. It can be found at

Ohio, USASmileyz5 years ago

Hello Everyone,

I know it has been a really long time but I figured I should post here that there is now a leaderboard for the PC version of both 999 and VLR in case anybody is still interested in that. It can be found at

Ohio, USASmileyz7 years ago

Hey, welcome to the community! :) The splits can be whatever you want as long as you start and end at the right time. And yes, if you have any questions you can put it in the another episode channel on the discord and you should get answer eventually.

Ohio, USASmileyz7 years ago

The timing rules were changed to mirror what danganronpa 1 does which is why the guide says to stop the timer at the shutdown sequence since that was the original timing. So you would stop it when the credits start rolling after the epilogue. If you want an example of the timing, refer to kaamosteoria's mean run on the leaderboards.

tsuyuame les gusta esto
Ohio, USASmileyz7 years ago

There are no glitches in either game to my knowledge. I havent really tried to find any though.

Ohio, USASmileyz7 years ago

Yeah we actually just started up a danganronpa speedrunners community discord, which you can find here if you're interested: The community is still a small one though.

Ohio, USASmileyz7 years ago

I've actually been considering this for quite a while now. Now that someone else has brought it up I think i'll go ahead and make one and post it in the forums of all danganronpa games.

Edit: Just actually read the end of Slowpoke's post. I don't mean to steal your thunder or anything haha. The group has been created and i've posted the link in a separate forum post.

Ohio, USASmileyz7 years ago

Yeah we could add something like that. It would probably be added as a miscellaneous category. I'll try and get a little feedback on the idea before I just make it.

EDIT: The category has been added under the miscellaneous section. Have fun.

Ohio, USASmileyz7 years ago

Also one thing that I've been wanting to look into are skills for the trial sections. You start out with 15 hope fragments i think before the first trial to buy a couple skills with and judging from the first game some of those should save significant time. The notes will definitely help with the general route though. Have fun :)

Ohio, USASmileyz7 years ago

As frustrating as it may be, the best way to practice mach bike movement is just to practice it a lot. Do the movement in the practice runs and after a practice run, go back and do all the mach bike movement sections a couple times. I've spent several hours just practicing the movement. It can be tedious and annoying, but its honestly the best way to get better. Once you start to get confident, you wont have to practice as much.

As far as generally learning the route goes, practice runs are the way to go. You'll start developing muscle memory and you'll learn it faster than you think you would. You'll also learn what to do in specific situations. Also don't be afraid to ask other runners questions if you're unsure about something.

Jenji333 les gusta esto
Ohio, USASmileyz7 years ago

Now I haven't run this game (yet), but my personal opinion is that the timing should end on the last input before the credits, since that is what the Danganronpa 1 speedrun does. So that would be at the end of the epilogue. That would make things consistent between both games, and would make sense since the epilogue is technically part of the game.

Since the epilogue in theory should take the same amount of time every run, theres always the option of adding a set amount of time to the end of the run if they time it by the current timing rules, since they probably wouldn't speed through the epilogue. If the timing rules do change, there could be text added to each current run stating that the end timing is different than what the run depicts to help new runners. Since there are only a few runs, this shouldn't be too tedious. I wouldn't mind timing the epilogue if need be.

Ohio, USASmileyz7 years ago

Well Speed just kind of added them after I talked to him a bit. I never really got feedback on the idea but I guess new categories never hurt haha

Ohio, USASmileyz7 years ago

So I thought up some ideas for some new categories that we could possibly add to the game. First of all I was thinking that there could be individual level speedruns for each of the chapters (not including the prologue and epilogue). They could then even be divided down further into complete chapter and trial-only speedruns. For complete chapter the timing would start on difficulty selection and end on the last save screen and for trial-only I think it would start when you hit "finish preparations" and end on the trial evaluation screen when you get graded. I think that these two should be treated as "NG+" speedruns with all free time skills allowed, otherwise it gets somewhat complicated. We could maybe make runners equip the skills, but it wouldn't really be necessary.

My next idea was to have an All Trials category, where you start on the chapter 1 trial, and after you get to the trial evaluation screen and get your grade, you re-load the game and do chapter 2's trial, and then finish on the evaluation screen on chapter 6's trial. Timing would start on difficulty selection for chapter 1 and end on chapter 6 evaluation screen. This would also be a "NG+" category with all free time skills allowed.

Lastly we could have a NG+ category, which would have the same timing rules as NG with all previously unlocked free time skills allowed. This one might be a bit pointless.

Any feedback and suggestions from anybody would be awesome. I think that these categories (with the exception of NG+) would provide shorter runs for anybody who doesn't want to or can't run a 4 hour game, or for people who just want to speedrun trials or whatever.

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