Tennessee, USARebelWatt7 years ago

Actually, the runners of the game said they didnt want to have BC PS3s to be allowed. I personally went and asked every runner of the game, excluding you because it was obvious where you stood, and every one of them, except for one, said they do not want to have BC PS3s on the leaderboards. The one exception said he did not care. That was just for the KH1 original games. If we allowed BC PS3 then we would have to go to the other games and do the same. The people that I spoke with from other games did not want them either.

"Which is not fair and they're bias towards me " I can not count how many times I removed myself from discussion about you, when I was a mod, because I didnt want my opinion of you to dictate what I voted for. That is the reason why your run was allowed for a brief period of time. The when it was added, the runners of the game got angry about it, not just Timmi, like you would like to believe.

The effort you put into level 1 and other stuff is amazing. I will outright say that. You did a great job with finding strats and helping get the run to what it is today. That, however, is not relevant in the slightest.

Regardless of what you may believe goes on or the reason why BC PS3s are not allowed, the fact is that, at least when I was a mod, we did everything we could to not have any biased decisions. You said that you had a LB mod tell you that there was. If there really was, then you should say who it was and who is the one causing this, because obviously if this is true, then they are not fit to be LB mods. So until you give me hard evidence that someone is being biased against you, I simply can only go off what I know from experience. Which is that there are no biases.

Tennessee, USARebelWatt7 years ago

Correct me if I'm wrong because it has been a couple days since I have read everything, but has there been a possible solution thrown out there yet? The only one I can really remember is make people stream or local record their entire run, timer or no timer. If no timer, then mods have to do the timing. If with timer, then everything is fine. If someone opts to stream and their stream dies, obs crashes, etc., then that's just too bad for them. That is what I remember at least, again, correct me if I'm wrong.

With that solution though, you are saying that people without a capture card can not submit runs at all. The recording on the ps4 is garbage and skips during a stream. Someone finished a run the other day of KHFMHD and got time, then when retiming it, in this case spiliting at the start of the run and the end of the run when looking at the past broadcast from the ps4, the difference was over a minute and a half, which is obviously unacceptable. No amount of mod work can fix this. So the solution brought up is that people must stream or local record, and they can not stream from ps4. At this point you are just moving the problems from one group of people to another.

"I honestly don't think a straight vote at this juncture is an amazing solution to a problem this multi-faceted since I don't even think most people who want change would be able to unify on a type of desired change."

Then bring up some possible desired changes. At this point it has just been Side A says something, Side B counters them, Side A counters them. We get it that not everybody wants to be required to have a timer on screen. There are others that it inconveniences, but they do it anyway. Then there is the majority that simple do not care because it doesn't affect them. Both sides have made good points, in my opinion, as to why timers should be required or not required.

In the end, my opinion on all of this is that this is a leaderboard. Leaderboards do not equal speedrunning. They are tied, but you can do speedruns without there being leaderboards. So requiring a timer on the video is no big deal to me. If I don't feel like doing a run with a timer, or local recording the run, or streaming the run, then I just wont do it. If I pb, it is still a pb. Just because my time isn't on the leaderboards doesn't mean that it isn't a pb. It seems that people tend to forget that you can speedrun without having to have a time on the leaderboards. You could say that you dont have to have a timer in order to speedrun either, I suppose. The big question, I believe, is where do we draw the line. Do we require video proof but no timer? Do we not require either? Do we require both?

BranToast75 y Ninten866 les gusta esto
Tennessee, USARebelWatt7 years ago

I dont understand the "consern". Sonic's run wasnt submitted because of this. Runs are skimmed through before verifying. You cant expect a mod to sit through the entire video to make sure that no skipping happens. There are roughly 10-20 runs that are submitted on any given day. Each run, usually, being over an hour long. It is ridiculous to think that a mod should have to sit through an entire run to make sure there isnt a single skip in the video. If that's the case, then we shouldnt accept runs were a person's stream went down because twitch screwed up. If you want mods to actually start doing all these ridiculous things you are suggesting in this post and in other posts, then maybe you should start paying them so it is actually a job. As of right now, all the LB mods do this voluntarily. It is ridiculous to think that they should have to spend hours, each day, to verify a couple runs.

Tennessee, USARebelWatt7 years ago

First, it has been added as a rule. Second, it is the person's video so therefore it is there responsibility. It isnt hard to add a timer after a vod is made. At that point, it is just people being lazy who dont want to do it. It's a rule to help make LB mods job easier. I dont see why this is such a big deal for people. You people treat LB mods like dogs and that they are here to just serve you. Why is it so hard to meet them halfway? If you dont put a timer on your video then it would take much longer to verify runs, yet if LB mods take too long to verify a run, then you complain about that. To make things easier for everyone, it is just logical to have a timer be required in a community that is this large and that has as many daily submissions as it does. If it is your video, then it should be your responsibility. Saying it is their "job" to do this is ignorant because it is not their job to hold everybody's hand and walk them through how to submit runs. If you dont want to have a timer on your video, then you can simple not submit. Speedrunning is a hobby, and the LBs is the competitive part of speedrunning.

tldr: It is your run, your responsibility and it makes it easier for mods to verify runs. If you are too lazy to add a timer to the end of you vod, then dont submit. Speedrunning is a hobby. LBs is the competitive side to it. There is a difference.

Sonicshadowsilver2 y Ninten866 les gusta esto
Tennessee, USARebelWatt7 years ago

After watching your run there are a few big things you should probably work on. The biggest is to just play the game to learn when you can skip a cutscene and when you need to be mashing text. You probably lost a solid 2-3 minutes just from that. The next thing is to just watch people run the game. If nobody is streaming a run, watch record. There are a few things that watching record over and over will teach you, like not going into the tent after the 2nd sabor fight because its not needed. You dont really need to focus on one certain thing to practice though because everything is a little slow or sluggish, which is common for a new runner of a game. Dont be discouraged from that. We've all been there. So in short, just play the game and watch people play the game. You will be surprised how much you pick up on from watching people run the game. Personally, when I started running this game on ps3, I would try to do at least 3-4 full runs of the game a week, and when I wasnt running the game, I was watching someone run the game. So just keep at it, and alot of stuff will come in time. Then once you get the fundamentals down, you can start looking into what worlds or fights you need to practice. Good luck with you learning!

JHobz, Chris_95, y Mupen2 les gusta esto
hilo: The Site
Tennessee, USARebelWatt7 years ago

Recently we made changes to our leaderboards resulting in the merging of this game with another. We would like this game to be deleted now as a result of the merging. If you could delete this, we would greatly appreciate it.

Tennessee, USARebelWatt7 years ago

It's been so long since I have ran this category, I dont remember some of things that could make the fights harder. For Braig though, if you are playing in 1080p then that could be why he is breaking out with you not doing much damage. For some reason, playing on 720p makes your swordbill do more damage. Another thing to note with swordbill, you only have to press and hold X. You dont have to mash X.

Tennessee, USARebelWatt7 years ago

Sounds awesome. To be honest, I dont do anything with this page. Was something that a couple friends and I wanted to run, but we did it for a week then went back to our other game that we run. I'll hook you up with mod though so you can set all that up. Just whatever you think would be a cool category, make it.

Tennessee, USARebelWatt7 years ago

With recent findings, the elapsed timer is not consistent with other timers and can not be used as a timer for you videos. Gotta find a way to get a different timer on your vid.

neraigo les gusta esto
Tennessee, USARebelWatt7 years ago

Oh yeah, forgot to inform yall after I made the thread. Hopefully we can have everything resolved in a couple of days.

hilo: The Site
Tennessee, USARebelWatt7 years ago

Today, a new category was made. After adding and removing some things in the "edit game" section, many runs were deleted. The runs under the New Game+ category for standard, proud, and critical difficulties were all deleted. Was hoping there is a way to recover them. Thank you for your time.

Tennessee, USARebelWatt7 years ago

They are back now. While I was making the categories, I had to change a few settings. You probably checked on it while I was in the process of fixing everything. It should all be fixed now though. At least, it is for me.

Tennessee, USARebelWatt7 years ago

Hey guys, boss rush rta is now an official run on the leaderboards! From talking to people, it seemed like beginner LVL 99 and crit LVL50 were the two categories that wanted to be added, so we added them. Be sure to check the rules to make sure everything is right. I have actually never even seen a boss rush rta so some of the rules may need a little tweaking. If they do, just post a message here in the forums and I will look into it.

Now go out there and be the first to do a run of it so you can get a free world record >:D

gamebrain les gusta esto
Tennessee, USARebelWatt7 years ago

Already ran this by a few leaderboard mods and all were in favor of it being a run. We just gotta actually set up the rules and stuff for it. We've been lazy with that >:D but I will contact the other mods and get the ball rolling on the discussion.

peck324 les gusta esto
Tennessee, USARebelWatt7 years ago

To note, using Cleared Save Data to carry anything over is not allowed. Thought I would post that here before people come to this forum and are confused.

gamebrain y Sly1020 les gusta esto
Tennessee, USARebelWatt7 years ago

Another thing that we need to know, as far as testing goes, is if you recorded your run from a soft reset, a hard reset, from first turning your console on, or did you have you console on for a while before starting your run. All these things could cause difference in loading. There is just too much that needs to be recorded, timed, and tested that we LB mods just simply cannot do alone. The more people that help out, the sooner we can come to a conclusion. If you have recordings saved on your computer, upload them to youtube and link the video here with great detail (the whole did you start from soft reset, hard reset so on and so on that I mentioned earlier).

Edit: We also need to know if you are running on SSD, HDD, sata type, memory type. Be as detailed as you can in the description of you youtube video or in your forum post.

Tojimaru les gusta esto
Tennessee, USARebelWatt7 years ago

backin up @iiSalad for backin up @Timmiluvs for backin @Gold on this one

Sly1020 les gusta esto
Tennessee, USARebelWatt7 years ago

Will go ahead and say this, the outcome of this strawpoll will not be a definitive answer as to if SSD will be allowed or not. There are many things that need to be timed first, and a ruling will not be made until we have all the information we can get. Please be patient as this could take some time to figure out. We will do our best to have an answer for you all as soon as possible.

Sonicshadowsilver2, JHobz y 4 otros les gusta esto
Tennessee, USARebelWatt7 years ago

What timmi said. We had this discussion before a few years ago, and everybody agreed that it is just way too inconsistent to have it as a competitive category. Emu is allowed for some of the handhelds because the difference is negligible. For KH2, however, the difference could be 10 minutes one time, 20 minutes the next run, and 30 minutes the run after that. Just way too inconsistent.

Tennessee, USARebelWatt7 years ago

Would be hard to say, tbh. As far as I know, there hasnt been any testing dont with Re:CoM on a BC PS3. I'll let the other leaderboard mods know though so we can try to get a recording of it and see how much of a difference it makes.

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