United StatesO.D.W.2 years ago

As there's a text limit on run descriptions, I'll be putting this here.

Runs qualifying for 4th place or higher and run on emulation have to be retimed in order to be fair to hardware runners, while not excluding people from using emulation.

DeSmuME on average loads 0.6 seconds faster than hardware. MelonDS on average loads 0.15 seconds faster than hardware.

This can change due to the power of the machine running the emulator, so for now, retiming is a very slow process.

The following is a place for the moderators to show all the retiming work done on emulator runs.

United StatesO.D.W.3 years ago

As the title says. What other hobbies have you got aside from speedrunning?

SMOFan_5, grnts y 8 otros les gusta esto
United StatesO.D.W.3 years ago

Just as the title says! (Although it can be tech, a glitch, etc. too!)

If you've got a lot of favorites and can't make up your mind, just throw any of 'em. You don't even have to run the game it's from!

I think one that's particularly fascinated me is the item get clipping in LoZ: Twilight Princess. It's "speed" tech in the sense it takes hours to work, but it serves for Low% shenanigans, which I always love to see.

Put briefly, when you pick up a new item, the game stops to give you a little description of it. Minor items have Link just hold it in front of him, idling as long as the dialog is up. When programming the animation, they left out the last frame, causing Link to move ever so slightly backwards over time from root motion.

During this state, Link ignores a lot of collision, allowing speedrunners to skip a few minor items they normally couldn't... all for the cost of multiple hours.

That's just one of many favorite tricks for me, but this thread isn't just about me. So, what about you?

Merl_ y Pear les gusta esto
United StatesO.D.W.3 years ago

Quality topic time!

As the title says, what's the first game you ever played? What did you think of it at the time? Do you think it was particularly impressionable on you? Did you ever go back to beat it? Any interesting anecdotes?

For me, (going by what I can remember,) it was The Legend of Zelda: Link's Adventure on the NES, (sometimes just referred to as LoZ II). I wasn't particularly good at it myself, being like 3 or something, but I remember watching my brother play it.

Oddly, the notorious game over screen of the time didn't really scare me. I absolutely loved the game though, it'd probably explain why my brother ran around in Link costumes on Halloween.

More than just that, I think it instilled a sense of appreciation for the art direction games had to take back then, as even today I still like to mimic them. (My portrait is probably evident of that.)

I've never beaten it myself, though I did try to a year ago. That game is beyond difficult. Maybe one day.

Apparently, we'd managed to softlock the game at some point, though we'd never really stop having fun just running around.

That's my first game, how about you?

Edit: @Hi also asks what is/are the game(s) that you're playing in the present day?

Gaming_64, MaddyReads143 y 5 otros les gusta esto
United StatesO.D.W.3 years ago

the rules are simple

we post something, but we come back later and make the post different when someone else has posted a response

the end result is hopefully something that doesn't make sense

like most of the posts in this subforum woweesmug

Oreo321 y Merl_ les gusta esto
United StatesO.D.W.3 years ago

we must have more widedog

TheSecondTry, Pear y 4 otros les gusta esto
United StatesO.D.W.3 years ago

Yes! I did it! WoweeSmug

Walgrey les gusta esto
United StatesO.D.W.3 years ago

We've been talking about what annoys us most, but that's so negative. I say we should be a bit more positive by talking about the things we do like and don't annoy us.

I'll start us off.

I like shorts! They're comfy and easy to wear!

MinecraftGaming, YUMmy_Bacon5 y 7 otros les gusta esto
United StatesO.D.W.3 years ago

It'll be, as the kids say these days "way poggers"

United StatesO.D.W.3 years ago

If you need help locating a copy of the game, have some questions about the run, or just need to contact me at all, just @ me in the game's Discord Server.

Direct messages are fine too, I check at least once every day, but you'll probably get a faster response in the Discord.

Although the game isn't too hard to figure your way through without knowledge of Japanese (I don't know it) some things can be unclear. I'll have a guide up sometime here eventually, but I've got other runs and stuff I'm working on. You can always open a thread or ask your question here as well.

Have fun!

United StatesO.D.W.3 years ago

As the title says!

It doesn't even have to be a game you've done a full run for. Maybe it's a run you find interesting, but you don't think others find it interesting.

...Or it can even be simply a run that's actually very fun, but it's just not as fun as the others you've done.

As for mine: I'd once practiced a bit of Pokemon Battle Revolution, and well, it definitely wasn't a game for me. I might still do it one day, but I'm more likely to take up a different game from the series than that one.

There's also that run of getting married in Rune Factory 1 I did recently, which is a lot of nothing across nearly 2 in-game years. I liked doing it, but I can't imagine most folks would see much in it. Heck, even if I did like it, it's not a run I'm likely to do on a regular basis.

United StatesO.D.W.5 years ago

Hey there! After at least trying out my route with Rune Factory 1, I've been looking into putting one together for RF2 as well. (I'll be back to the first one soon, don't worry!)

I've managed to find a semi-reliable way to clear the first generation portion of the game in what I estimate to be somewhat less than three hours, and I've managed to work in most of the requirements early for the second generation. Now that I'm there, progress has slowed down exponentially.

I've tried to route a way that doesn't need to expand or ever enter the school, but I'm running into quite a wall trying to manage by just using store-bought weaponry and the minimum level tools. The route so far is glitchless (given that I don't know of any for this game,) but it makes significant use of exploits. I think the minimum time the game can be run in is going to be somewhere between six to seven hours at full capacity.

I currently have a rough, unrefined guide made that covers a large portion of 1st gen and at least the base information for the 2nd, and I'll put it up if anyone's interested in seeing it or helping to work on it. (I can also make some early videos of the run if anyone would like to see those as well.) I'd love to hear any suggestions you might have!

enu les gusta esto
United StatesO.D.W.5 years ago

(Putting this back up here because of the rollback.)

Hey all! Just wanted to let you know that I posted my route notes and running guide for anyone to use. It is quite extensive, so I imagine anyone wanting to or currently running the game might be able to find something of use in it.

My current run of it is up on Twitch and has a great many mistakes in it, so you can use that for comparison, I guess. (I'm still not used to running it on a original NDS.) I'll be experimenting with changes to some areas of it, mostly around involving which equipment is purchased.

If you see anything about it that you would suggest changing, feel free to comment on it. In the meantime, I'm off to work on Rune Factory 2 for a while. (If anyone's interested, I can put up my incomplete notes for it as well.)

DezertPenguin8 les gusta esto
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