Basse-Normandie, FranceMsTruffles1 year ago

Thanks to triple jump discovered by MrDoublePlays, you can skip the mini-boss in Battlefield area! It seems a bit precise if you want to do it perfectly, while not taking a hit. It can be used on both Any% and 100%, but it will save more time in Any%, because you didn't have Fire Aspect to defeat the mini-boss.

Basse-Normandie, FranceMsTruffles1 year ago

The origin of this glitch was this clip, happening during a usual run attempt. I was able to jump out of the water somehow, even though the particles effect of the water appeared.

So I wanted to see if it's possible to implement it in a real run, and I'm pretty sure it will be useful to save few seconds! If you spam the jump button, you can jump out of the water, and it can allow you to reach some ledges without waiting for log's cycles. Maybe you can to this glitch with a precise input timing, but I'm not confident to do that for now ^^'

More informations here:

I guess it will make me come back to Any% at some point :)

Granolant y EddWardG les gusta esto
Basse-Normandie, FranceMsTruffles1 year ago

Yeah I talked about difference between hard drive and SSD few days ago, so it might be the reason why load times are different here. I hope I'll have energy to investigate this someday. I'd love to run this game again.

supersysscvi les gusta esto
Basse-Normandie, FranceMsTruffles1 year ago

Reviving this thread after a year and a half ^^' I wanted to test it again, since I recently updated the RAM of my PC, which already have great effects on a game I run. So I did the same testing, with quo's WR, and a recording of my game, again using the same setting as quo. I also used a very precise timing, with retime to the frame. The result is still the same :/

Quo's cutscene time on his WR: 32.633 Starting cutscene on my game: 36.016

I even had the same timing when I lowered the graphics. I don't know what to do at this point. I'd love to run this game again, but having this disavantage is definitely killing my motivation :c That's what I get for deciding to mainly run obscure indie games on PC I guess.

supersysscvi les gusta esto
Basse-Normandie, FranceMsTruffles1 year ago


I just wanted to get as most advice as possible on this speedgame, because it's currently hard for me to progress on this game. I'm gonna rewatch the WR very closely someday, but some experts help can also be good. Things I'd like to know, are the fastest method to skip dialogues (I'm using the space bar. It seems to be the best, but I want to be 100% sure), a consistent way to get the power up before starting the boss fight (And especially not taking a hit in the place where there are a lot of enemies, just before the last button), and maybe some advice for the boss fight.

Here is my current PB (Not verified when I'm writing this). You can take a look if you want, and tell me what I can improve.

Basse-Normandie, FranceMsTruffles1 year ago

I just remembered HosteL said there might be short jumps in TAS. I checked it out, and it's true. You can see it here: But the fact I still didn't find any RTA runs/gameplay by human player where you can see these kind of jumps, make me doubt about the fact it's a legit thing in the original game.

Basse-Normandie, FranceMsTruffles1 year ago

I just made a video about this case, to show all the elements I found, and tell my opinion. It might be not perfect. Explanations are a bit messy sometimes, since I wasn't supposed to record a video today, and my brain was foggy. But I hope it will help people to understand this case better (At least from my perspective).

Basse-Normandie, FranceMsTruffles1 year ago

Well please leave me out of this... I don't have the mental energy to deal with this kind of stuff... I was just responding to give my opinion about these accusations, and now I'm waiting for mods response.

AlphaNerd les gusta esto
Basse-Normandie, FranceMsTruffles1 year ago

Whatever it was intentional or not, it's weird that I cannot find a run or a playthrough of someone who knows the game very well, who uses these kind of short jumps. And I'm pretty sure I never saw it before today. I don't feel like it's legit, especially if it's an emulator only thing, which cannot be replicated on arcade machine (I play on emulator, but I never used such jumps, nor add a 3rd button to allow me new things you can't do on arcade machine). I don't know if it deserves a ban from the leaderboard yet (Moderators will choose the final decision), but imo this run should be removed, and rules have to be changed, to specify you shouldn't add a 3rd button if you're playing on emulator.

(Also, do not bother about the message above me... It seems to be a weird rabbit hole, with another person named AlphaNerd, totally unrelated to speedrunning it seems... This account was just created today btw...)

StinkySteven y AlphaNerd les gusta esto
Basse-Normandie, FranceMsTruffles1 year ago

While doing my first session on this game, I was able to do a glitch which makes the character much faster than he's supposed to be.

I don't know how I managed to activate this glitch. The only things I know, are that it carried through every resets I did, and the only way to deactivate it, was to restart the game. I'll try to find a way to replicate this glitch whenever I want to.

Since it's not known how to replicate this glitch consistently, and since it changes the pace of the run drastically, I made a miscellaneous category named Speedglitch%. Consider it as a fun/meme category. Feel free to submit runs in this category. I'll probably submit a run in this category someday.

Laika_the_Spacedog les gusta esto
Basse-Normandie, FranceMsTruffles2 years ago

I got a new PB which I submitted in the No RNG Manip leaderboard! So I have another question: what about my other runs in the other leaderboard? It would be weird to keep them here, even though I started to run the game after RNG manip was discovered. If you don't want to move them in the other leaderboard, I'll understand, but I think I would delete them ^^'

Basse-Normandie, FranceMsTruffles2 years ago

Ok! Thanks for the answer! I'm supposed to run this game tomorrow, so I know what I have to do now :)

Basse-Normandie, FranceMsTruffles2 years ago

I've read the rule about the game over requirement again. Does it mean, whenever you want to try another run, you need to loose all your lives? Even if you want to retry just because your run is too slow?

Basse-Normandie, FranceMsTruffles2 years ago

I imagined it would be easy to differantiate runs with manip, and without manip, but you made a good point. I hope we could find a way to differentiate them with a more reliable method.

Basse-Normandie, FranceMsTruffles2 years ago

Hello o/ I wanted to submit this idea since few months. I really enjoy running this game, but in the current state of the leaderboard, if you want to be competitive, you need to use RNG manip. The issue is, running with RNG manip is not something I would find fun personally, and I know a runner who have the same vision of the run (I can understand that some runners find it fun though).

So my idea was to split runs with RNG manip and without RNG manip, probably in 2 different sub-categories. Here are my arguments:

  • These 2 ways of running the game don't have the same "philosophy". While you need to react to patterns you get when you run without manip, which makes RNG, knowledges of the game and decision-making more important, running with RNG manip makes the run entirely focused on memorizing the patterns, and pure speed.
  • It's easy for mods to spot a run with RNG manip. While without manip, the runner will start the run at a "random" time, with RNG manip, the runner will start at a very specific timing. On top of that, runs with RNG manip are way faster in terms of putting pipes on the board, since the pattern is already known, and pose of pipes seems unorthodox compared to runs without manip (I hope I explained it well ^^').

Of course, I'll let the community discuss about it, if it think it's a good idea or not. If most runners think the leaderboard must be unchanged, I'll understand.

Basse-Normandie, FranceMsTruffles2 years ago

I was able to skip the second fight of level 1 somehow!! We need to study it, because it can become a nice time save if we can replicate it consistently.

Laika_the_Spacedog les gusta esto
Basse-Normandie, FranceMsTruffles2 years ago

I'm don't know every details of this glitch, but since I was able to replicate it during 2 runs, and I trained it a little bit more, I'm gonna add more details. When I'm gonna be sure how it works, I'll probably do a post in the "Guides" section.

It seems like it's a frame perfect trick. When you're facing a direction (Left or right), you have to try to grab a projectile with the hand in your back (the left hand if you're facing right, or the right hand if you're facing left). On the same frame, you have to grab the projectile, and being hit by it. After that, I'll be able to "punch" the boss infinitely with the projectile (or whatever it's in your hand. The sprite can be glitchy).

This trick is possible for sure against the third boss. The best way to perform it, is when the boss is moving on a horizontal line, because it's way easier to time it (It's still possible if it moves diagonally, but it's hard to time this frame perfect trick in this case, since the projectiles trajectories can be hard to predict). When you achieve it, don't worry about entering the boss hitbox. You'll probably have the time to destroy its hit points (which are in the number of 8 ) before the invinsibility frames ends.

Concerning the second boss, since it can also shoot projectiles, the trick might be possible as well, but I never tried it. So it's still to be tested.

Here is an example where I was able to perform this glitch in a run:

Basse-Normandie, FranceMsTruffles2 years ago

It could have been way better actually imo. It would have depended on the RNG for cards, and also not getting too many mini-games on the way to Sydney. Sub 9 wasn't impossible for sure, and maybe even lower, but we'll never know :/ Also, if it ended up being a 10:1X or 10:0X run, my PB is already 10:10 (Yeah, it's a WR for the official leaderboard when I write this post. I submitted it 4 days ago), so it wouldn't have been a huge improvement ^^'

Laika_the_Spacedog les gusta esto
Basse-Normandie, FranceMsTruffles2 years ago

During the first run of the stream, after getting the first 2 gems in Rio De Janeiro and San Francisco, and letting Porky Pig take the gem in Paris, I used the Royal Family's ring, before 3 minutes on the timer, to being teleported in a random city with Porky Pig. The RNG was insane. We got teleported to Kyoto, while the other gems were in Beijing and Sydney, so it was very close to our location. The plan was to steal Porky Pig's Paris gem by winning a duel, and go grabbing the last 2 gems. I don't know what time I could expect honestly, but if everything went right, even with bad cards RNG, I could have got an incredible run. It was until I faced Porky Pig. The mini-game was "The Pipe", which is heavily-RNG. If Porky Pig took the good pipe on first try, on a good pattern, it was over. And it's what happened... I would have loved to know how insane this run would have been if I could have finished it like I expected, but we'll never know xc

Laika_the_Spacedog les gusta esto
Basse-Normandie, FranceMsTruffles2 years ago


I started running this game not long ago, and I really enjoy this speedrun. But I have a huge issue on the game very often. When I started running this game (in 1CPU category), I always chose Bugs Bunny for me, and Porky Pig for the CPU. After some runs, I realized I sometimes found myself in the same game as a previous one, which means: same placement at the beginning of the game for both players, same placement for the gems, and most importantly, exact same RNG for the cards (For instance, with one of those patterns, I got a Diamond 4 every time on first turn). To try to solve this issue, I started to choose another character for the CPU (Marc Antony at first), and it worked. And I was switching between Porky and Marc every runs. The issue is, I started to get the same issue at some point, even with this "strat". So I started to pick other characters for the CPU, and even other characters for me. But sometimes, it takes a good amount of tries before I get a new pattern, which is very boring. It's very annoying, because it's kinda bad for speedrunning I guess. You can remember every cards for you and the CPU, so you can plan your actions before a run. But also, the patterns can have bad RNG, so it's not always great. Anyway, I think it's a very annoying issue. I would to run this game more, but this issue is not helping me.

Did you have this problem before? What do you think about it? Is there a way to fix it?

And if it's actually some kind of RNG manipulation (I really have no idea of it's the case. I just know it exists for some games, depending on when you're pressing start at a certain point, or else, like some Pokemon speedruns), my interest for the game might decrease, because speedruns which are mostly based on RNG manipulation (Unlike The Little Mermaid on GB for instance, where you can manipulate RNG for certain bosses, but not all of them, and it's not the biggest part of the run anyway) are not my cup of tea.

Laika_the_Spacedog les gusta esto
Acerca de MsTruffles
Obscure speedruns nerd! Currently specialized in finding Waldo and mowing the lawn fast.
4 years ago
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