QuébecMoknicorra5 months ago

I went ahead and added the 10 random wins subcategory, but also subcategories for 1 and 5 wins, as those are also present (and popular) in the sigmar's garden leaderboards. (the 100 win subcategory has been omitted 'cause that's just ridiculous and there's no achievement for it anyway)

QuébecMoknicorra5 months ago

I could implement it without any problem. We have a kinda similar thing with the solitaire in this game and in opus magnum with the 10 sigmar's garden wins. (In fact, I probably should at least redo my D&D run that's up there right now, considering it's from an old patch and you don't have to do all the same levels anymore >.>)

AKheon les gusta esto
QuébecMoknicorra6 months ago

Sure, I just set them up if you want to have a go at those categories. Considering what you said about your 100 wins run for sigmar's garden 1, I took the liberty of not adding that subcategory for sigmar's garden 2, though. (and lose% is more of a meme than a category anyway, so it's also absent at the moment)

(I need to turn on notifications for these forums >.> it was pure luck that someone from another speedgame's community asked me questions about this one and I decided to check out the leaderboards again)

hilo: The Site
QuébecMoknicorra1 year ago

So from the instructions on the game request page, if we want to request a game when we only have ILs, we need an "overwhelming majority" of the levels (kind of unclear/open to interpretation, but our game has 32 levels, so we're aiming for having runs of 25 of the levels atm. The game's still pretty new, we're working on it :P ), but it doesn't say anything about who the levels must be run by.

When submitting a game request by linking to a playlist of IL runs, do all the runs have to be by the same runner (ie. the person requesting the game)?

QuébecMoknicorra1 year ago

Yea, for the most part, I broke down what happens in what level by watching yours and thx's any% vids. There's one instance in back alley jazz where I watched the IL 'cause I had trouble figuring out what was happening at the end, and THAT one uses a completely different strat :P (a buntline teleport that was discovered after both of your PBs, I think)

Thx also sent me the notes he used when running. He didn't feel the english was good enough to share publicly, but I'll work on incorporating those and your level-specific information to the doc over the weekend. Ultimately, it'll probably end up with most levels having a different section for the "go fast and maybe die" strats and the "pretty damn fast, but also safe" strats.

smorrs les gusta esto
QuébecMoknicorra1 year ago

Hey y'all. I posted this in the discord, so might as well post it here as well. I wanted to learn the glitched any% route and broke down all the glitches used, the timings, the angles, the clicks, the hows and the whys for personal use, but realized that people interested in the game might want to have access to this info as well (I can't be the only one initially put off from learning the game because there were no guides/resources other than smorrs' glitch guide, which is not a route).

So I put everything in a google doc. Currently, I'm the only one who can edit it, but if any top runner wants to edit it, they only need to ask and I'll give them the necessary permissions. This may, indeed, be necessary considering I didn't know the community names for all the glitches and just wrote them in a way that made sense to me.

I can't post this in the guides section, here's the link to the doc:

QuébecMoknicorra1 year ago

lol I never got a notification for this

I don't mind setting up an ILs board for this if there's actually people interested. I personally don't care too much for ILs in any game, so I didn't set it up at first 'cause I didn't think anyone else would ever want to do runs of this anyway :P

hilo: The Site
QuébecMoknicorra2 years ago

(not that I usually post, so I haven't contributed to the dead-ness of the forums but...) Finals are happening and stuff. Also, I find myself visiting the site less and less since the redesign. It's just too butt ugly to want to look at, especially the actual leaderboards(not too mention the ultra invasive "stats" that are now on every profile and actually discourage me from using the site 'cause most of these things are not anyone's business to know in the first place).

YUMmy_Bacon5, MasterOfMike y 2 otros les gusta esto
hilo: The Site
QuébecMoknicorra2 years ago

Them only wanting to make money would kind of imply they'd be fine with volunteer positions, though. Less people to pay.

O.D.W. y Walgrey les gusta esto
QuébecMoknicorra3 years ago

Nah, I actually encourage people going in with a full inventory. During full-game runs, you might not have a full inventory by that point anyway, so I want ILs to be as fast as they can possibly be, so full inventory is allowed.

QuébecMoknicorra3 years ago

Yeah that would work. You can even get your last steps in right beside the coffin, anyway. Both options make for a pretty anti-climatic end to the run, though, but that's just due to the nature of those two achievements :P

QuébecMoknicorra3 years ago

Eeeh I guess. It's a bit more of a hassle to try to do attempt after attempt, though. Your inventory is the same as it was the last time you hit a checkpoint, not what it was when you started the level, so if you restart from the level select screen, you should have the same inventory as if you'd restart from the in-game menu reset thing. It's been a while since I've played though, so I'll probably take your word for it that the inventory doesn't reset the same :P

(In my mind, doing attempts would've looked like this: Do an attempt -> Use ammo -> Hit checkpoint so inventory is now saved -> attempt sucks so you want to reset -> gather ammo for the next attempt (kids, chests, cactus, whatever) -> hit checkpoint to save inventory -> reset)

QuébecMoknicorra3 years ago

Nah, you can get caught during the run without restarting, I think. That achievement basically checks to see if you have the illuminati symbol for all levels (the symbol you get for completing a level without being caught). If it turns out that it's faster to do an "inspire the children" run of the level WHILE getting caught to reset the enemy cycles, and THEN do an any% eel run of the level, then the Son% run will just have the same level played twice. It might get kind of annoying in The Escape, though, due to the rocks being sometimes unavoidable (thanks, RNGesus), and being crushed by a rock counts as getting caught.

And yea, either El Muerto or The Adventurer would be the last achievement. Maybe do El Muerto halfway through the run(Sandstorm, maybe?) so you get a break, but for adventurer, I think you could just do your run normally, and once you get to the epilogue, you walk around until you get however many steps you still need.

QuébecMoknicorra3 years ago

Awrigth so I added some categories on top of all the ILs. I also remembered that there literally is an in-game achievement(The Son) for getting all the other achievements, so I made that the name of the category.

Due to The Son wanting you to get all the other achievements, you may not need to reset the game between attempts, but I don't remember if progress is tracked between save files during a single play session. Say, for example, you walk 20,000 steps in one attempt, reset without quitting the game, and start a new attempt/save file, I don't know if you'd get The Adventurer achievement after 5,000 steps or after 25,000 steps, as intended. From what I remember (I haven't played since around christmas :P), I think it'd be after 5,000 steps, so you WOULD have to reset the game between attempts of that category.

Anyway, ILs are set up, so you can start practicing and setting times for those in preparation for full game runs.

QuébecMoknicorra3 years ago

Eeeh achievements aren't tracked in quite the same way as children are, so I considered all children to be actual 100%. Adding achievements on top could be called "true 100%" or "110%" or whatever, which I don't mind adding as a category. At that point though, I'd make it a requirement that the achievement actually pops up during your run purely for confirmation purposes, and due to how achievements are tracked at the moment*, you'd need to exit out of the game and come back in between each attempt.

(*As it say you start the game, start a run from a new save file, finish the first level, at that point, you'll get the truant achievement in-game popup. If your run dies, you go back to the main menu, start from a new save file, and finish the first level, THEN the achievement will NOT pop up, 'cause the game considers that you've already gotten the achievement during this session, and it's not programmed to allow for multiple pop-ups of the same achievement during a single game session. Truant is used only as an example, of course, 'cause it's pretty hard to beat the game without getting that achievement, but for something like Pitch Black or El Muerto, you'd really need the pop up to confirm to viewers/verifiers that you got it)

QuébecMoknicorra3 years ago

Yeah I have no problem with setting ILs or achievement/meme runs. I didn't at first 'cause I wasn't planning on doing it myself and didn't think anyone else was going to run this game anyway :P

hilo: The Site
QuébecMoknicorra4 years ago

I was wondering the same. I assumed it was only due to the fact that I submitted my game while y'all were doing a marathon(almost a month ago), so extra wait was to be expected, but thanks for letting us know!

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