West Midlands, EnglandMeaH3 years ago

im going to call it accelerated turn hopping (ath), il add vidio soon but essentially, first hold crouch then look 90 degrees to the right then hold a and d while still holding crouch then hold jump, after every jump look forward and before you hit the ground look 45 degrees to the right, also, you can transfer between a and d if u want for better control.

EDIT: video:

hilo: Portal
West Midlands, EnglandMeaH3 years ago

i also discovered a variant in chmb19 and its similar to the pre-steampipe route, tbh, i think inbounds and oob should have pre-steampipe and post-steampipe categories, i can tell you 1 thing tho, oob on post-steampipe will have A TON of quantum crouches

hilo: Portal
West Midlands, EnglandMeaH3 years ago

basically, start the chamber as normal then portal peak a portal onto the roof and then quantum crouch launch up, place a portal out of bounds then teleport to next to the elevator and PQR back in bounds, I discovered this while messing around with quantum crouches. the demo explains it better, took me few attempts :/ Demo:

West Midlands, EnglandMeaH3 years ago

basicly, dont skip ANYTHING

West Midlands, EnglandMeaH3 years ago

I wanna request a 'skipless' category, it says it in the name.

hilo: Portal
West Midlands, EnglandMeaH3 years ago

i am requesting for a new category called intended and 2 sub - categories, intended ABH/AFH (basically beat the game as intended but abh and afh are allowed) and intended glitchless (beat the game as intended with no glitches)

rules would be: you must follow the intended route no external commands all keys must be binded to their defaults (unless your doing intended ABH/AFH in which you are allowed to bind your jump key) no portal peaking no portals out of bounds no going to out of bounds

if you are reading this mods, pls add this category

Acerca de MeaH
Retired Apex Legends and Valorant Tier 1 Pro 16 23.5k hrs gaming in my lifespan (7 hours a day)
3 years ago
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