hilo: The Site
HungaryLalike4 years ago

Hi guys! I've asked the same question probably in the wrong place, so I will link mine here for the record:

hilo: The Site
HungaryLalike4 years ago

Hello everyone!

First of all, I'm sorry if this isn't the right place for my question.

I've started experimenting with the possibility of speedrunning Seven Kingdoms Ancient Adversaries. I quickly found out, that measuring the gameplay in real time is not viable, since the highest speed option of the game goes as fast as one's CPU can go.

There is an in-game timer (Total Gaming Time), but it only measures the gameplay in minutes, so it's too crude.

There is another in-game timer (Duration of Your Rule), which measures the gameplay in days and years and it's independent from CPU and real time.

I've submitted the game and it has been accepted (thank you!!) and I quickly checked the settings there. There is an in-game timer, but it only measures hours, minutes and days. I've tried converting my 2 years + 61 days to hours, but I cannot enter 18984 to the hours field, only 3 characters can be stored there.

Is there a way to change the in-game units from hours-minutes-seconds to the custom format of years-days?

Thank you very much in advance for the help!

Acerca de Lalike
4 years ago
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3 years ago
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Seven Kingdoms: Ancient Adversaries
Seven Kingdoms: Ancient Adversaries
Última visita 4 years ago