EnglandKimmie7 years ago

Note: Series mods (Me) can bypass the game request form and make games for the series. Had you asked we could have got one set up earlier.

I'm going to be setting one up now, Wiethoofd, I'll make you a mod since you would have been one anyway. Cyberdemon, LeXoS, if you wish to be mod for the PC version let me know.

If one of you could set the name to be PS1 that'd be great.

WiiSuper les gusta esto
EnglandKimmie7 years ago

Run all level on story in order on a current save file. The use of red bricks is allowed and is the main defining factor.

WiiSuper y Gustrb les gusta esto
EnglandKimmie7 years ago

Okay, I apologise for the time this took. I have verified the run for now. The length of the run, IGT or RTA is exceedingly high and can likely be more than halved, which can be seen in other Lego games of a similar size or larger, such as Lego The Force Awakens which has a 100% run of 10h 13m.

With such a large improvement factor available, I don't believe that the timing method for the run is as important for the run.

WiiSuper y Quadruplex les gusta esto
EnglandKimmie7 years ago

DS has been set up for the most part, barring the rules.

I will be away for the week so if you submit any runs you'll have to hold tight for a little while.

WiiSuper les gusta esto
EnglandKimmie7 years ago

I'll set this up in the morning.

I think the timing of the run should start and finish when you gain and lose control of the characters, so just after you see the goons and just before you soak Clayface. Thoughts?

WiiSuper les gusta esto
EnglandKimmie7 years ago

Okay, all done. Unfortunately due to how the rules work, the abilities are listed in Story and Freeplay rules, but Freeplay does say any abilities can be used.

I also changed any% to Story since any% doesn't really make sense from an IL standpoint.

WiiSuper les gusta esto
EnglandKimmie7 years ago

Of course, I'll set it up the best I can then you can give extra feedback since you'll be running the game.

WiiSuper les gusta esto
EnglandKimmie7 years ago

If you're planning on running the DS game, I will make a new game for it, like the Lego Star Wars versions have the console versions and the Handheld versions. This stops it from getting overly cluttered since we're already pretty full on sub-categories.

Up until this point there has been no runners for it, so there hasn't been a need as it would be an empty page. When you have a run, let me know and I'll set it all up.

WiiSuper y Blazio700 les gusta esto
EnglandKimmie7 years ago

Would one of you be able to give me a list of abilities and which levels you receive them in then and I'll add them to the Any% Rules.

WiiSuper les gusta esto
EnglandKimmie7 years ago

You guys are the runners, what do you think? Should we limit the abilities to what you'd have during the level?

WiiSuper les gusta esto
EnglandKimmie7 years ago

No, it'll be a replay story, so you can use the abilities you have already. The main difference between the two being that you can change characters in freeplay.

WiiSuper les gusta esto
EnglandKimmie7 years ago

Okay then, I'll leave the IL categories as they are for now. One with Brick Banking, one without.

TrenttheN642, WiiSuper, y Quadruplex les gusta esto
EnglandKimmie7 years ago

I'd like to get a consensus for the IL categories, especially freeplay.

At the moment I have it that freeplay doesn't allow game-changing power bricks. Is this okay, do you think it needs changing, or do you think there should be another category that allows both? [quote=Any% (BB)]Timing starts when you gain control of the characters. Timing ends when you lose control of the characters. Superbuild bricks from outside the level may be used for super builds.

No game-changing power bricks may be used. Cosmetic/multiplier bricks may be used.[/quote][quote=Any% (No BB)]Timing starts when you gain control of the characters. Timing ends when you lose control of the characters. Superbuild bricks from outside the level may not be used for super builds.

No game-changing power bricks may be used. Cosmetic/multiplier bricks may be used.[/quote][quote=Freeplay]Timing starts when you gain control of the characters. Timing ends when you lose control of the characters. Superbuild bricks from outside the level may be used for super builds.

No game-changing power bricks may be used. Cosmetic/multiplier bricks may be used.[/quote]

WiiSuper, WaltekGkay, y Quadruplex les gusta esto
EnglandKimmie7 years ago

For the replay story, does the game add the super bricks back into the level, and do the builds revert back to unbuilt? For now I'm going to presume they revert back.

I have changed the IL categories, with Any% BB and No BB categories, so that players can choose which they wish to play. The timing is now when you gain and lose control of the characters at the start and end of the level.

TrenttheN642, WiiSuper, y Quadruplex les gusta esto
EnglandKimmie7 years ago

The other categories say they're allowed because they aren't something you collect during the run, so clarification is needed. It's assumed that bricks are allowed during 100% runs because they're something you get during the run.

WiiSuper y defqon_Jan les gusta esto
EnglandKimmie7 years ago

Because this is a different game, run by different mods. Yes we are a community, but it's still a different game.

Having taken a look, I don't see what you're referring to. I see no rules allowing or disallowing multiplier blocks in 100%.

WiiSuper les gusta esto
EnglandKimmie7 years ago

Because 1) The audio finder can't differentiate between an uploaded track or as part of a game, it only has audio. 2) Tt has the rights to use the audio yes, but we don't. Think whatever you want, but under current laws, even if it's part of a let's play or a speedrun or whatever, we still have no rights to that. It is not covered under fair use.

The only things that are classes as fair use are parody, reviews, news and educational purposes.

WiiSuper les gusta esto
EnglandKimmie7 years ago

The video was flagged for copyright. HealerGirl has removed the audio and is uploading the video again, but being an 11 hour video it's going to take a while to upload and process. The video will be swapped for the new one once it's available.

Scratch that, I have found the new one and swapped them out already. The video is available for viewing.

WiiSuper y defqon_Jan les gusta esto
hilo: The Site
EnglandKimmie7 years ago

@Xheno - And the other one, who happens to be the super mod, and the one you skipped over, was active 5 days ago.The game doesn't seem to be particularly active with runners so only a single active mod is needed.

This thread is a last resort, and should only be used if you have tried contacting the mods, or if they are all inactive.

YUMmy_Bacon5 les gusta esto
EnglandKimmie7 years ago

You don't have to have a PB in the game you're running to show up, it's just that you won't show up for people who have it filtered to show people with a PB.

Everground y Tron_Javolta les gusta esto
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