Ontario, CanadaKasual27 days ago

Hey all,

As a lot of you are likely familiar with by now, there has been a new update to the game that introduced some "small bug fixes". It turns out that one of these bug fixes was the multi fuse swap glitch that a lot of runners starting implementing into their runs. So now, you are no longer able to do this on version 1.1.0.

Because of this, we have added an annotation (small indicator beside runs) that shows whether a run was done on version 1.1.0 or a version before it. We have decided to keep both versions on the same leaderboard for the time being.

Luckily, for those of you out there that want to continue to use multi fuse swapping in your runs, there is a way to get back on an older version of the game. I made a roughly 5 minute video explaining how to do this. It's a pretty simple process that I (hopefully) showed in straightforward fashion. The video is linked here.

Happy running!

UPDATE: It sounds like there are more bug fixes on the way, one of them being the fuse animation cancel. So if you're still wanting to use fuse tech in your runs, this will now be even more of a reason to do this.

Ontario, CanadaKasual1 month ago

Hey everyone,

Happy 1 week of TJOC Demo speedrunning! It is great to still see runs being submitted every day, with records still being broken.

Per discussion in other forums, as well as some discussion between Lulu and I, we have decided on a few new category ideas to add to the leaderboards.

The first category is the idea of a "Hard%" as it's been called. Basically, you would replace the main fuse 3 times before beginning to deal with Freddy. We would likely restrict the use of cameras at all before the main fuse is replaced all 3 times. This idea is pretty set in stone, we just aren't certain on a name for it yet. Does "Hard%" sound okay? Or is there something else we could call it? "Nightmare%" was another possible name idea mentioned.

The second category is an All Achievements category. Basically, getting all of the Steam achievements as quickly as possible from a clean achievement reset. There is a fairly straightforward way to do this as long as you're on Windows. The only problem we see at the moment is the fact that some achievements don't show up when you get them, such as The Path and Planned Obsolesence. This idea is still very much in progress; any ideas or input on how we could make an All Achievements work would be great.

Ontario, CanadaKasual1 month ago

Hey all,

With the most recent runs in queue being verified, the demo now has more total runs than any other TJOC game here on speedrun.com! For reference, Story Mode has 110 total runs and Reborn has 90 total runs, and these leaderboards have been here since those games released back in 2016/2017.

Insane stuff, thank you all once again for making this a resounding success. This would not have been possible without all of you running and bringing down those times.

chesey, NowRiley, y Babbanx les gusta esto
Ontario, CanadaKasual1 month ago

Hey y'all, as you can see, we have now started going through your runs! There are quite a few in queue so please bear with us haha. I just thought I would put something here real quick to be transparent about how we are retiming your runs.

For retiming, I use https://vidtimer.com/. This allows me to accurately find the first and last frame of the run so that retiming is as accurate as possible.

For the start, I use the first frame when the monitor on the title screen goes white.

For the end, I use the first frame when The Creator's hands are visibly on screen, signalling the start of the ending cutscene. We decided to use this method instead since you are still able to freely move around after the 12th attack, and must walk forward to trigger the ending cutscene.

I can't wait to see what the boards will look like after all of the runs have been looked at.

JonatanPL les gusta esto
Ontario, CanadaKasual1 month ago

Hello TJOC Demo runners!

Hopefully everyone is enjoying the game and getting those times down. Lulu and I have had a lot of discussion about what the different categories should be. However, there are still a few things that we wouldn't mind getting some feedback on.

The main, and obvious category, involves beating the demo as quick as possible. We have just named it Any% for the time being to keep things simple, however we feel as though Any% may not be a great fit as a name. If anyone has any suggestions on what we could possibly call it instead, please let us know. An idea I had involved something including the word path, since that seems to be an important word in this demo.

We also decided on Death% being die to any animatronic as quick as possible. Would you guys rather see something like "Jumpscare%" instead, where the category is split into 4 separate categories, with the goals being to get jumpscared by each animatronic?

Any ideas welcome!

aBento_ les gusta esto
Ontario, CanadaKasual1 month ago

Thank you all for your patience! As of right now, the leaderboards are now active and open for submissions. If you have any questions about how your run should be submitted, or have any suggestions, reply here or message myself or lulu. Thanks and happy running!

JackRichard1 y aBento_ les gusta esto
Ontario, CanadaKasual1 month ago

Hello fellow TJOC enthusiasts! As you all are probably aware, the demo for the new game was released earlier today. I am happy to announce that this demo has already been approved as a game here on speedrun.com! For the sake of giving people time, and for us as moderators to get everything set up for the boards, we will open up the leaderboards this Monday, August 5th at midnight EST. This will give everyone the chance to complete the demo and begin to improve their times over the weekend. For the time being, there will likely just be 2 categories; any% (game completion from new game) and death% (die as quick as possible).

JonatanPL y Because_im_lulu les gusta esto
Ontario, CanadaKasual5 months ago

Hi folks,

Some of you may have noticed your runs being re-timed either today or around a month ago. This is because some runs were submitted but not re-timed properly when first verified. I used https://vidtimer.com, and the following frames to re-time:

  • For All Objectives, the first frame I used is the first frame the objective/timer appear in the top left corner. The last frame I used is the first frame the "Objective complete" text appears.

  • For Jumpscare%, the first frame I used is the first frame the objective/timer appear in the top left corner. The last frame I used is the first frame the objective/timer disappear entirely.

I decided to keep unavailable runs up as well as they have been verified in the past. Obviously there is no way to see those videos now, and so there is no way to re-time them.

Hopefully this clears up any confusion if you are wondering why your run may have gotten re-timed. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to message me here or on any of my platforms linked on my account.

  • Kasual
Ontario, CanadaKasual2 years ago
Este comentario ha sido eliminado
Ontario, CanadaKasual4 years ago

I'm not sure how long school has been a map for, but will we see it added to the leaderboards at any point? Or is there even an option to do that now? I have a few runs I can submit if it's possible to add it.

Ontario, CanadaKasual4 years ago

Myself, Xym4vR and Vodovous have created a Discord server for any runners or people that just want to play the game. If you're interested in joining, click this link to join the server: https://discord.gg/4vNPhRQ If this link doesn't work for some reason, add Kasual#6201 on Discord and I will send you a different link.

Achivka, Zanum y 2 otros les gusta esto
Acerca de Kasual
mario and tjoc are pretty cool man
6 years ago
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