Hesse, GermanyJamarley2 years ago

Heya guys!

For anybody that actually still gives a shit about this dead board I've remodeled and updated the themes, versions, times, pretty much everything so it is now in line with the P2 main board. If anybody has suggestions, wants to disagree with changes or wants to request anything, feel free to do so in this thread!


HoonGoons les gusta esto
Hesse, GermanyJamarley2 years ago


Hesse, GermanyJamarley2 years ago

Okay so I added the v0.5.x to the leaderboard. I kinda arbitrarily winged the requirements for when to start and stop the timer. This seems the most sensible to me, if there are people that disagree with it lemme know. Other than that I'll wait for the board to fill up before deleting older versions and I'd also like to add individual level runs since that is possible now. Again, feel free to discuss.

zombieteube les gusta esto
Hesse, GermanyJamarley2 years ago

Hey, yeah it's been pretty dead since the game is in development still. But I'll add a version for you to submit. :)

RedOrb les gusta esto
hilo: The Site
Hesse, GermanyJamarley2 years ago

Unfortunately not. It doesn't solve any problem. You shouldn't be able to add users as mods that don't even consent to it. I mean you could spam people with mod ads because it is not prevented. My problem of being a mod there might be solved nut the larger issue isn't.

YUMmy_Bacon5, Tutterey y 2 otros les gusta esto
hilo: The Site
Hesse, GermanyJamarley2 years ago

100% agree, there should be at least some sort of sanity check or fail save function that requires you to manually accept moderation status for a game. Otherwise you can mod people for some tiny game you mod all day long just to flood their notifications. When I logged on I had 44 of them like wth.

YUMmy_Bacon5 les gusta esto
Hesse, GermanyJamarley2 years ago

Same, what the hell really needs some sort of mechanic to reject moderation requests

Kkntucara les gusta esto
hilo: The Site
Hesse, GermanyJamarley2 years ago

I just got added by someone (no idea who) as a moderator for the game Rise of Insanity along with about 20 other people. I never even heard of the game and was removed again a few minutes later.

Two questions:

  1. Is there no way to unmod yourself or block games from moderating you? And 2. If not then why in gods name has no one requested a feature where you have to actually accept a moderation for a game?
Reverse, MrMonsh y 8 otros les gusta esto
Hesse, GermanyJamarley3 years ago

Leaderboard and rules are all fixed up now. :)

shaggyzera les gusta esto
Hesse, GermanyJamarley3 years ago

@starsmiley That doesn't mean we shouldn't be allowed to voice our discontent about this decision.

loiloiloi, FacuGOLAZO y 2 otros les gusta esto
Hesse, GermanyJamarley3 years ago

@Pear Okay then replace it with Oddysee. 3 runs on the board, amazing. Tons more examples of games that literally have all but 2 runners, 0 interest in the game and 0 runs in recent history. But just the prospect of being a tripple A release merrits the existence of its own leaderboard? Despite the AC games being notoriously boring runs? Why are they on here? Again if that example doesn't suffice take any number of games that have next to no activity and almost 0 runs posted. Krabs has a big community, frequent new optimizations, and anybody can pick it up. There is 0 reason for it not having a leaderboard other than gatekeeping in my eyes. I still don't see "it's too short" as a valid reason

loiloiloi, FacuGOLAZO y 2 otros les gusta esto
Hesse, GermanyJamarley3 years ago

@Walgrey @rm Personally this sounds pretty gate-keepy to me. Who cares if the speedrun is only 20 seconds long, all it takes for any speedrun to become this short is to find a credits warp and we're there. The only thing that should define whether a game is considered worthy of a speedrun leaderboard in my eyes is if people actually run the damn thing. And for this game this is DEFINITELY true. There's capacity wasted on this website for runs no one has even done yet, Assassins Creed Valhalla comes to mind. There's thousands of games with literally nobody running it, yet the games that are just short but have an incredibly active and competitive community don't get their own leaderboard. I really do not see any reason for this, the short games elsewhere on the platform irregardless of rule changes is just the icing on the cake.

loiloiloi, FacuGOLAZO y 2 otros les gusta esto
Hesse, GermanyJamarley3 years ago

@starsmiley "If your game takes less than 5-10 minutes to beat casually, we're not looking to accept it."

Then why is Dragster on here as a game? A casual dragster run takes less than 30 seconds, the speedrun takes 5 seconds. Why is TITOL on here? A casual run takes less than 15 minutes, the speedrun less than 3 minutes.

Sorry but that just sounds like an excuse to me, there are tons of short casual game examples that do not comply with what you said.

Shiinyu y FacuGOLAZO les gusta esto
hilo: Postal 2
Hesse, GermanyJamarley3 years ago

2020 has been a big year for Postal, now that we have a loadless timer and an overhauled leaderboard we can finally start to move towards better and more fair timing methods. The ultimate goal that we are working towards is being able to compare times across the board more fairly and regardless of load times. Since we want to slowly move towards sorting all times by their respective loadless times we have decided we are going to implement a new rule starting on the 1st of January 2021.


All prior submissions will stay, don't worry. We're also not going to start sorting anything differently, for now at least. All that we ask of you is that if you submit a new run you submit one with a loadless time attached to it.

Please note: "Loadless" does NOT mean the built in in-game timer. Loadless actually refers to Intercom's extension called PostalLoads for Livesplit. A guide on how to use it and set it up as well as an updated FAQ and precise run requirements will come soon.

The goal here is to fill the leaderboards with a lot of loadless times so we can ultimately make a switch to it. Once we have worked out all the fine details I will also update the rules and this post. Thank you for understanding!

UPDATE 1: Thanks to ollymuirs for creating a tutorial on how to set the loadless tool up, it can be found here:

ollymuirs_ y shaggyzera les gusta esto
Hesse, GermanyJamarley4 years ago

Too many rules in what way? What rule is specifically unnecessary in your opinion? To me this looks like a fairly standard rule board. No modification to game files, timer and version must be visible, time start and end aswell as banning scooter glitch. I don't see what rule is supposedly superfluous.

Also as soon as the game gets out of Alpha all of these categories will disappear anyway. The full 5 day game runs will replace it anyway. Needless to say it makes a ton of sense to split these now given the glitches in these early versions.

zombieteube les gusta esto
hilo: Postal 2
Hesse, GermanyJamarley4 years ago

I think that is a really bad suggestion. What would be the point of this? The reason we want a loadless timer to begin with is because the loading screens have different lengths for everybody depending on the hardware. We want to even the times out to reflect how good the run is, not the runners hardware. If you remove a flat value from every run on the leaderboards then what is the point of removing time to begin with? How is that equaling out the length of loading screen differences? How is that putting skilled runners at an advantage again over people with good hardware? It legit makes absolutely no sense to subtract a flat value for everybody. That would be arbitrary and definitely not help the run's history out.

QuarantineTarantula les gusta esto
hilo: Postal 2
Hesse, GermanyJamarley4 years ago

We really don't need more categories. Windows or Linux, regular or enhanced, RTA or segmented and now you wanna add RTA/Loadless? That just really is teadious

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