Ottawa, ON, CanadaHotCoffee1 year ago

no sub 1:29? cmon nixxo for fucks sakes ;)

Ottawa, ON, CanadaHotCoffee3 years ago

This might not be the most necessary forum post, but I hate it when people leave positions without telling anyone, so just wanted to let you all know that I'm stepping down from my position as moderator. I'm pretty busy with my fulltime job, and honestly I just don't really have much interest in playing videogames anymore as I have other creative ventures that I'm putting my energy into. That, and I also just don't really have as much of an extensive knowledge of the game and it's mechanics as Katzen or Neural, or any of you top players for that matter. I have full confidence in Katzen and Neural to keep the community well-moderated, so I'm not currently looking for a replacement as I don't believe one is needed in this case, but if they feel otherwise and if you'd like to help them out, that's awesome too.

Best of luck to you all!

  • HC
Ottawa, ON, CanadaHotCoffee3 years ago

That's a good suggestion, thanks for that. I'll add that to the rules soon. I'd love to see some TAS runs of RCT2 though, I agree that they'd be pretty interesting to watch.

Another_Crafter les gusta esto
Ottawa, ON, CanadaHotCoffee4 years ago

As Sko said, it makes the runs much easier for us to verify. There are several other games which require a cushion period in a VOD, most notably Goldeneye, where players move their crosshairs around the end screen as a means of verifying that it was human play and not a TAS or a static image.

That being said, this is open for discussion and we would love to hear your input on this! :)

Sko les gusta esto
Ottawa, ON, CanadaHotCoffee4 years ago

I think all keys, all non-RNG weapons, save all, read all books, unlock all doors, kill all bosses, and sanctify all tubs is good for 100%, I don't think ammo or medkits, or kill all enemies is necessary. Also major glitches should be allowed in my opinion.

Neural89 les gusta esto
Ottawa, ON, CanadaHotCoffee4 years ago

While I agree that OpenRCT2 is definitely a modification of RCT2, I myself don't really see a point in separating the two boards. I'd argue that both Original% and OpenRCT2% are integral categories of speedrunning RCT2, and separating the two would cause a little confusion. Furthermore, having the option of OpenRCT2% does attract more attention to speedrunning the game. I know if I were a new player, at first glance, I would be put off by the long runtimes of some of the Original% runs for RCT2, so having the comparison is definitely beneficial for those wanting a more dynamic speedrunning experience, instead of relying on them to find their way to the subgame. I feel it is an unnecessary complication to separate the two categories from RCT2.

However, I definitely see a lot of reasoning for separating OpenRCT2 from RCT1, as there are many features from RCT2 that are ported over. If you guys want to separate the two, I definitely support that.

In all, I think it would be a good idea to put this to a vote for RCT2 players, because I could be in the wrong here. I'll link this page to Deurklink's discord for some more attention.

Ottawa, ON, CanadaHotCoffee4 years ago

Hey mods the FF% runs aren't viewable on the leaderboards. Can you guys make it so the default in the variable isn't set to RCT Original? Thanks :)

Ottawa, ON, CanadaHotCoffee4 years ago

I too encountered this issue when I first started speedrunning RCT2, seeing other players being able to zoom through the game at turbo speeds while I had a computer that went down to like 10fps every time i tried to do the same was kind of a let down. So I understand where you're coming from.

I wouldn't be opposed to adding an in-game time subcategory, so everyone is able to speedrun at an equal advantage. I was thinking of adding a user-defined variable for in-game time, which I figured we could count at total amount of in-game days. It would have to involve some math for calculating the amount of days, but doing so would allow anyone to sort by RTA or in-game time on the leaderboard.

If anyone has any other ideas for a fix, please by all means share them, because this is definitely something I support.

Ottawa, ON, CanadaHotCoffee4 years ago

Stop being childish. We've been allowing you the chance to resubmit a run twice without a watermark, and yet you still choose to argue, and on top of that, try to disguise a previous run as a new one. Either remove the watermark and follow the rules like everyone fucking else, or leave.

afnannen136, Hako, y Mcataclysm les gusta esto
Ottawa, ON, CanadaHotCoffee4 years ago

^Exactly. Like dude, they're very simple rules, if you can't follow them, then you can't expect us to accept your runs. Just remove the watermark, no one is going to steal your run.

afnannen136 les gusta esto
Ottawa, ON, CanadaHotCoffee4 years ago

There's already a stickied thread with a link to Deurklink's discord.

Ottawa, ON, CanadaHotCoffee5 years ago

Like I said, if you record and upload a run without a watermark, then it will be approved. Not allowing a watermark to cover up your entire screen no matter the opacity isn't "shitty rules", it's just common sense. If you submitted a video with a watermark like this to Guinness World Records, they would reject it as well.

afnannen136, Hako, y Mcataclysm les gusta esto
Ottawa, ON, CanadaHotCoffee5 years ago

One word: Watermark. One of the points of having a VOD is being able to watch the game, right? How are we supposed to do that when there's a watermark covering up 70% of the screen? It's one of the most regressive things any runner could do - post a WR time (that's a full 2 seconds faster, I might add), but obscure the screen to make it more difficult for other players to watch, and thus attempt themselves. It's a shitty, scummy thing to do.

Furthermore, it makes authenticating the run harder. Who knows if there is a splice in that VOD? Turning the opacity down slightly on the watermark doesn't do anything. We can't know unless we take a very close look at it, because the watermark impedes us from doing that.

Other games on outright ban overlays and popups that cover the game. I had a run rejected from the Harry Potter 7 part 1 leaderboards because I had too many StreamLabs widgets covering up the //borders// of the game screen. The BORDERS. Mcataclysm's watermark is directly in the centre of the screen. What if Cheese decided to start streaming like this? This should not be any different.

If Mcataclysm can prove that he can get a 1:01 without a watermark, then all is right with the world. Until then, his current VOD should be deleted, to uphold the integrity of the leaderboard.

afnannen136, Vakala y 2 otros les gusta esto
Ottawa, ON, CanadaHotCoffee5 years ago

Join the discord, there's info on where to obtain this game in the Notice Board channel.

Ottawa, ON, CanadaHotCoffee5 years ago

adding on to what's already been said, having early completion on doesn't drag the game out for longer than it should. waiting for X years is not only time consuming for the viewer, but the player as well. it would be daunting if the WR in each category was 30 minutes or more, and potential new runners may be turned off from the category because of the runtime. with early completion, the pace makes the runs much more digestible and exciting to watch.

just as an example my Six Flags Belgium IL OpenRCT2% record was made before early completion was a thing on the leaderboards. at 13m55s it's currently the longest time in that category, and most of that time is spent fast-forwarding, and waiting for marketing campaigns to finish so i could redo them. it's honestly really boring to watch. with early completion, that time can be cut down by at least 75%.

Deurklink1 les gusta esto
Ottawa, ON, CanadaHotCoffee5 years ago

Welcome for anyone to join, speedrunner or not.

Ottawa, ON, CanadaHotCoffee5 years ago

Hey! Just reposting what I mentioned in the RCT2 page thread over here. I too think it would be a good idea to nix the RCTClassic category, OpenRCT2 already delivers all of the features that Classic has (namely fastforwarding), and more. Plus, Classic doesn't even have all the scenarios (Urban Jungle is missing) so IMO, it's much inferior to OpenRCT2. It's like the Donut Mod that Simpsons Hit and Run runners use, a program that was made by fans of the games who are much better slaves to detail than the actual developers. And plus, since Classic doesn't even have any runners, whereas OpenRCT2 already has a Full-Game run, I think it's safe to assume which one would be the more popular category. But yeah, RCT1 scenarios for RCT1, RCT2 scenarios for RCT2.

WhoIsWORM y Deurklink1 les gusta esto
Ottawa, ON, CanadaHotCoffee5 years ago

WHOOPS I saw this thread and promised that I'd respond to it later and then promptly forgot. Sorry guys!

Since they aren't accessible from the original RCT2 software, I think it'd be a better idea to keep the RCT1 & RCT2 maps separate from one another. I'm definitely not against Worm adding the option of OpenRCT2% to the RCT1 page, as I have seen some of those runs up on Youtube. They're really cool, and I'd love to see more! I just don't think it makes much sense to add levels from the first game to the second game's leaderboard page when all that's different is just using another program to play it. Just my two cents, but I'm open to discussing it further if you guys disagree :)

WhoIsWORM les gusta esto
Ottawa, ON, CanadaHotCoffee5 years ago

I received a DM from a user asking if this applies to Full-game runs as well, if you can make a custom track in the first map and then continue using it for the rest of the game, as opposed to building a new custom track in each scenario. This is accepted, you are still making the track during the run, and is an element of regular activity for normal playthroughs of the game.

I wasn't able to contact Sko about this as they don't have social media linked to their account, so if they want to chime in on this topic, we can figure something out.

WhoIsWORM y Sko les gusta esto
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