SwedenHabbe8 years ago

I broke down his PB (as of 2015-11-21) into short videos if anyone wants to mimic/practice the movement.

PS. I could change name of videos if any of them are confusing.

CarlosDaMan, broccoli_illuminati y 3 otros les gusta esto
SwedenHabbe9 years ago


I just have a suggestion for more categories for DKR to maybe attract some more new runners. If I may compare DKR to SM64 (yes I know sm64 is much more popular due to the fact that is sold more copies and everyone pretty much love Mario). SM64 has a 16 star category which attract alot of newer runners to play (noobs like myself). It is fun to learn since you dont have to master a whole lot, but it feels like you are getting the hang of speedrunning because its going pretty fast.

How about we create some categories that doesnt require you to practice all tracks in order to finish a run. I was thinking maybe we could start going by ballons and a boss win as the objective instead. Like 9 ballons + dino and dino2 or just finish 2 worlds then stop there, or clip to wizpig 1 (equivalent of BLJs lol).

From my own experience, I found that it doesnt require a whole lot practice to achive a sub 20 min 16 star run, but it requires a whole lot more practice to get a sub 30 ATR. They are both great milstones in my opinion but the practice difference behind both them are soooooooooo many hours apart, and starting a ATR run without practice doesnt even feel like speedrunning, it just feels like playing the game normally which is not satisfying at all. Dont get me wrong, I really like ATR (and 100%, any%), but I can understand how many new players can find it unattractive because you have to learn every single track (except bosses and minigames) to run it. I mean, alot of the tracks are really difficult to master, I myself have spent alot of hours practicing Everfrost Peak and I still feel like a complete idiot playing, and thats not even one of the hardest tracks.

Im sorry about the wall of text and my terrible english, but I would really like your opinion about this. If it sounds like a stupid idea then just say so.

TLDR; Maybe could implement runs with a goal of gettings X amount of ballons + a specific bosskill.

Anyway, take care guys! C ya on Twitcherino!

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