EnglandDrazerk5 years ago

Upgraded weapons for Donald / Goofy.

Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay be worth picking up?

EnglandDrazerk5 years ago

fresh fruit compote - 6mp 1 magic for MINC / Frozen Crepe Suzette - PR / BH6 / Final fights gives +2 magic and +4 MP - adamant locations for corona 10

EnglandDrazerk5 years ago

I really don't think TB first is worth it given you miss out on the 3 magic ring and you can upgrade OC twice.

Current route

Station of awakening:

left path then Right path


2 AP Boost 2 Ether water cufflink potion 2 floride 1 2 focus recovery 1 elixir

Use Ship against the town boss Use waterza spam against rock titan Use Comet vs Fire titan / finish off with waterza and fire spam vs ice titan Gun command vs wind titan


Upgrade OC keyblade once after demontide Spam chariot/waterza on powerwilds / mansion fights Full recovery in Underground waterway Ether / Floride in forest


Upgrade TT keyblade twice at start of world. Aero kills dandelions instantly

2 floride 2 chests 2 ether chests +3 Magic chest in the town

Fire spam vs long hair use 2 ethers Chariot against mob fights

GUMMI MENU AFTER CORONA - simple cube 8 guns, a thruster and a cockpit for maximum damage / speed.

Toy box

everything dies to fire spam at this point mechs for movement are faster make sure to equip TT before entering mechs for lucky lucky Upgrade corona three times after cactus 3 floride 1 ether

Shotlock after MP runs out on big ufo

EnglandDrazerk5 years ago

So hey level 7 carona is easy

So initial route looks like this

Station of awakening, left path then right path

OC (steal items/backtrack slightly for ring)

TwT upgrade OC twice

corona upgrade corona twice/magic 3 ring in town /2 ether on boss)

Toybox just dies

EnglandDrazerk5 years ago

Having tested it we can now confirm that the battle report does not include load times (or deaths).

EnglandDrazerk5 years ago

General observations:

Left then right path seems optimal as it gives you MP combo plus at level 2 / elemental boosts / leaf bracer as well as high magic

Meteor Rod is broken

Cancelling out of a fight in gummis refreshes all your boosts

little UFO is hit based so being a higher level doesn't make too much of an impact.

Air slide is the fastest form of movement in end game.

You can get the best magic ring in the game near a waterfall in Port Royal not out the way at all

You can get Corona keyblade upgraded four times before monstropolis final boss without going too far out of your way

Edit: Mirage finisher should not be used in the final fights its slow and does nothing.

EnglandDrazerk5 years ago

Just to point it out we arent rushing to decisions or anything this thread simply exists to get feedback from people who have played the game fully and will take views as we get them.

Final decisions will all be made when the embargo ends but getting the thread up and rolling seems like a smart move.

EnglandDrazerk5 years ago

Hey everyone the game has been out for a few days now so we have some things we would like to discuss with you and hear your opinions on.

  1. What should be the official timing method?

The starting point seems fairly standard but where timing ends is in the air with people wanting to stop time before the heartbeat portion. Right now we are proposing timing ends when the beam hits Xehanort.

  1. Level 1 for beginner and standard?

For those who have played around with level 1 beginner it plays a lot like proud in the early game and then transitions into its own personal hell. Meanwhile level 1 proud looks massively unfun and not entertaining at all. I propose adding beginner and standard as their own categories rather than just having proud level 1.

  1. DLC Keyblades?

I think we can all agree that the Xbox keyblade is a significant power increase in the early worlds just due to how useful early thunder is while the PS4 keyblade gives you some nice movement options. We're mostly in agreement that we should split the game into any% and any% no DLC but if people want to argue the opposite please say so.

  1. All worlds?

Right now the only optional world is 100 acres which is composed entirely of minigames and is fairly short compared to the other worlds. Do you think this is worth making a category for given there's no real skipable worlds?

  1. Harddrives?

I've not done enough testing on loading times but I would like someone to figure out what the battle report actually times since its not RTA accurate. If it removes loads / cutscenes it may be worth switching to using that for fairness. We also need to do a lot of testing in regards to how big of a difference to loads the ps4 pro etc have.

Again this thread is mainly to gather feedback from the community, there's no obvious answer one way or the other to these topics and I'm sure there are far more questions we could ask that we haven't thought of yet.

Thanks again for taking the time to read this and with your help with organising the leaderboards

  • Drazerk
DJSALTYNUTZ les gusta esto
EnglandDrazerk5 years ago

This thread will eventually host all the general routing to do with world order, menus, shopping trips, and general item usage.

Please feel free to send me item location lists so I can pop them in the OP while we look for optimal routes.

Chest locations and items:

Growth abilities:

EnglandDrazerk5 years ago

This thread will eventually host all the boss strategies that people have found for the game and where to set up getting into berserk range.

Please feel free to post videos below and i'll copy them into the OP in boss order (Once we actually settle on a route)

EnglandDrazerk5 years ago

Dear KH Community

Many of you have been asking the Kingdom Hearts leader board team what will happen with Kh3 when it is released on the 25th of January. This post will aim to explain how we will be running the community during the busy release date.

First of all, we will be placing a two-week embargo on all Kh3 runs. This two-week embargo will give the moderation team a chance to actually play the games while discouraging people from doing day one speed runs that will ultimately be beaten once actual routing and testing has been done.

Secondly, as of the current moment the only category we have officially settled on is any% which is simply beating the game as fast as possible where anything goes be it glitches or console version. During this two-week embargo we will be looking at what categories we can actually make and be asking the community for their opinions, naturally categories such as the different difficulties, JJ, and All worlds will be obvious choices should they actually exist in the game. However, aspects such as should consoles be separated, what about unpatched vs patched, and hard drives will require data we can only get once the game has been released and as such would kindly request your assistance in helping us gather the necessary data and decide on if we should do these splits.

As far as the community goes, on release we will open the Kh3 forums up to allow people to post boss strategies, general routing, and other information such as load times, we expect this forum to be very spoiler heavy so please remember this and enter at your own discretion. For those worried about spoilers in the community discord the two-week embargo will mean that there will be no Kh3 channel and any spoiler related info will ideally be moderated. We kindly ask that you remember that not everyone will get access to the game right away and be considerate when posting in twitch channels and twitter.

Finally, many of you have been asking who are going to be the Kh3 moderators, and the simple answer to that is we haven't decided yet. For the first month of kh3's release all the existing moderators will have the ability to moderate Kh3 runs and help deal with the influx of runs we are expecting. During this time, we are hoping that the moderators will be able to self-select whether they are interested in moderating kh3 for a longer time. We will also be opening up applications around this time for members of the wider community, we will select moderators by how much interest they have in the game and their involvement within the community as a whole.

We hope that you are happy with these decisions and we are of course open to compromise if necessary.

  • Drazerk.
Hypelastika, LiquidWiFi y 13 otros les gusta esto
EnglandDrazerk5 years ago

Oh also to Timmi's point I will be making a post later in the week regarding Kh3 it is something we have heavily discussed in the moderator channel and I think the solutions I've already hinted at in the past.

Saiyanz les gusta esto
EnglandDrazerk5 years ago

This has been discussed in the moderator discord and on the community discord but for the sake of transparency this is my thoughts on the matter:

  1. If a game is different to another it warrants a category difference no matter how minor. Yeah its probably only going to save in the realms of 30 seconds to a minute over an entire run but if me or ghost were to pick it up and play it seriously we may end up coming up with completely different strategies and such. Sure right now no one is actually doing runs of it but I think its something that needs to be separated to future proof the game much in the same way we changed Re:Coded any% GOSU to Re:Coded any% / Re:Coded no major glitches, which in turn has now proven to be a smart move due to the multiple sequence breaks that have been found for the game on top of GOSU.

  2. I don't touch these games so will leave it to the respective moderators to discuss I have no strong feelings one way or the other.

  3. We are implementing this for Days and Probably CoM. I am satisfied with the solution Saiyanz has provided

  4. I am awful at design so let the community decide

  5. Seems fine

Saiyanz les gusta esto
EnglandDrazerk6 years ago

So as Rebel stated we have made several changes to the KH discord:

  • We have consolidated most of the casual channels due to their lack of use, there is now handheld-casual and console-casual along with Chi / future games.

  • We have introduced a role for each game which you may apply for in the role request subchannel

  • We have introduced restrictions to the speedrunner chats so that people cannot speak in the channel without that game's role.

  • We have introduced a streaming set up channel to help people with questions related to streaming rather than general KH speedrunning. This can be used by anyone.

The idea behind these changes is to help keep the main speedrunning chats as a source of information for people. As such we will be slightly stricter with the speedrunning chats from this point onward as such there will be some guidelines we hope you guys respect and follow:

  • No casual discussion in the speedrunning chats, this should be obvious but stuff like "Xion dying is so sad" over and over really does make it harder to search for discussions relating to Xion DM skip as an example.

  • Do not discuss other games in a channel, its perfectly fine to discuss KH2J and Kh2FM in Kh2 but too often chats involving another game can completely derail a topic and shift to that game which then in turn makes it harder to find the discussion when searching through that game's channel.

We will try to be somewhat strict with these rules and may revoke roles from people who break it if they have yet to actually do a speedrun, obviously those who have done a run of the game we will be a tad more lax with but even if we remove the role people will always be able to rerequest it unless you are otherwise banned from the KH series in general.

With that I would like to hopefully welcome people to a more functional discord

  • Drazerk.
CapitanBublo, D_Winds y 2 otros les gusta esto
EnglandDrazerk6 years ago

Sorry timmi more stuff went wrong so had to step away again. I'm out of hospital tomorrow so hopefully should be able to see this through to the end.

EnglandDrazerk6 years ago

Sorry timmi more stuff went wrong so had to step away again. I'm out of hospital tomorrow so hopefully should be able to see this through to the end.

EnglandDrazerk6 years ago

Hey all still in hospital but apparently I need to actually unveil the list myself. So without further ado these are the new mods:

RebelDragon95 Crispy abandon Thejel2 D_Winds neraigo Btrue Gamebrain

We will state how the games will be moderated once they've been added

gamebrain y BlitzPhoenix98 les gusta esto
EnglandDrazerk6 years ago

Update from me I'm alive and on morphine. Can't move much though so I'm gonna just pass out. Hope all this is resolved though

gamebrain, Timmiluvs, y Jel les gusta esto
EnglandDrazerk6 years ago

Yeah thats my bad sorry, it was a 5 minute thing because as said I'm pretty busy and I was dealing with the technical limitations of Google Forms (I didn't want to have to read a paragraph every time to work out what 30 people were running ). That said if you say KH2 its pretty obvious you can do all of KH2 and same for KH1,

Honestly thinking about it the console only really matters for COM DDD and BBS so i should have laid it out differently.

EnglandDrazerk6 years ago

So quite a few mods have left at this point so I doubt there will be any mod side discussion on the topic so screw it i'll try to deal with this.

Most people seem on board with game specific mods with a few of the current mods becoming series mods I personally want to see how many people are even interested in stepping up and of them how many people are actually qualified / well respected enough to actually become one before we make any kind of decision regarding rearranging the mods (Although we will likely need to bring new people in anyway since we've just lost 3 mods)

So fill out this and I'll comb through the list with Sonic or something.

gamebrain, VoidGear y 2 otros les gusta esto
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