United StatesDaggerWest10 months ago

I got to the Lava Dome at just under 4 hours, some time got lost due to the Ice Golem taking multiple attempts. I didn’t realize i had to save once Phoebe joined, then reset, in order for her to have Water resistance. I also went back through the Bone Dungeon a couple of times before fighting Flamerous Rex in order to have a good amount of seeds.

Any tips? 4 hours was my expected time to clear the full game but it took me that long just to defeat Medusa.

United StatesDaggerWest10 months ago

Hi everyone. New to this board and have done speed runs in a couple of SNES games, mostly Link to the Past, Mario World, and Super Metroid, wanted to take a shot at FFMQ. I do not agree with using glitches so it would be a 100% No Glitch speed run. Other than not using the shop glitch and not using Cure on the Dark King, is there anything else that would not be allowed? Do i just need to get every item or do i also need to clear all battlefields including the ones that not award you any gear/items/spells?

Sorry also if this is a duplicate thread.

Dagger West

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