Saint HelenaCtrlTab2 years ago

That is absolutely awesome. Well done to everyone who has been working on these skips <3

Saint HelenaCtrlTab7 years ago

The point of the category is to run the Weapons Course without skipping anything. If you skip things then it just turns into a normal Weapons Course run because (as Derpy said a month ago) it would make the category a bit more pointless if we did just that. I've updated the rules on the category to match but a name change could also be happening I guess

Saint HelenaCtrlTab7 years ago

I heavily back IGT for being the main method of timing as loads can be hit and miss depending on people's tech. Obviously though this creates a problem for console runners as there is no proper way to time their runs with loadless yet so I feel once that kinda gets figured out then we'll be onto something

Saint HelenaCtrlTab7 years ago

I had plans to do some fun stuff with this game once I get some free time....

Surani les gusta esto
Saint HelenaCtrlTab7 years ago

I'm not crying... BibleThump but for real man if you can record your run next time for verification then that would be super and I'll happily accept it! Keep running <3

Saint HelenaCtrlTab8 years ago

Have a look there for all your needs. Much love <3

kayumon les gusta esto
Saint HelenaCtrlTab8 years ago

Here is a link to the Any% route kind sir! Hopefully you find it useful

Saint HelenaCtrlTab8 years ago

Hey there moustache! I have my notes for Any% that I will be uploading in a few hours when they've been cleared up a bit. These should help you tons! <3

Saint HelenaCtrlTab8 years ago

I would love to start doing this sort of thing but my loads still aren't co-operating :^(

Saint HelenaCtrlTab8 years ago

Deleted it myself. Pretty much a useless category

Saint HelenaCtrlTab8 years ago

I've been mostly staying out of this (for good reason and due to having a busy schedule) but I should really chime in on this.

I too was in belief that your runs were "weird" looking in the sense that the things you seemed to be doing were too consistent and in general just hard to believe. But I don't really have the evidence to go against your claim for World Record as you have followed the guidelines to the full. So until I can think of a proper way to resolve this with BOTH moderators, I will still be sitting out.

I will say though that going off in the forums against a moderator really doesn't help anything. I respect you having your opinion about what's happened and tHm having his but some posts just aren't really relevant and only really cause trouble.

Best of luck in the future, hope to be in contact soon

AkitsuMaru les gusta esto
Saint HelenaCtrlTab8 years ago

Apologies for the late as hell reply, I have been incredibly busy and I'm not sure about the other moderators.

We DO accept Xbox submissions, just make sure you follow the rules for the categories you do (AKA show the final game time and show your difficulty)

Continues are fine

Much love and happy running <3

Saint HelenaCtrlTab8 years ago

Does it REALLY matter? Not like he needs 128.0 tick or aimbot for an advantage OMGScoots

Saint HelenaCtrlTab8 years ago

Sorry I can't respond quickly, I'm very busy as of late in the real world and don't have time to look at all the forums I moderate. Plus like Woutt said, we are but 3 people...

To answer your posts. YES I think having a forum and a discord are great ideas to have for this game.

And also whilst you're here Kepya, I'll make you moderator for these leaderboards since you clearly have the dedication for it :) Use the responsibility wisely

Speak soon <3

Saint HelenaCtrlTab8 years ago

Still waiting...

Saint HelenaCtrlTab8 years ago

Any word on this? Kind of silly there aren't any guides for this considering not all people can pick them up immediately.

TheGlitched64 y sickmind33 les gusta esto
Saint HelenaCtrlTab8 years ago

Been a while since I've been on here. I think something that really would benefit other people who want to learn this game is having some guides for the various skips put on the page

Saint HelenaCtrlTab8 years ago

I can't do that time this Saturday as I have work 1-6 so I might have to sit out this week </3

Saint HelenaCtrlTab8 years ago

I'm in. Just get the details of the teamspeak or whatever and I'll be there <3

Saint HelenaCtrlTab8 years ago

I understand there is a lot of low key drama surrounding some stuff right now and I'm not planning on getting involved.

However, I do just want to leave this here as a symbol of my gratitude for tHMCS. Without him we wouldn't even have these leaderboards to use in the first place and he essentially put everything that we see today in place.

He first got me into running CS:GO and without him I wouldn't have been able to do the stuff I did in my runs

No matter what way you look at it, he set everything in motion and I wish him luck with all his Sly Cooper ongoings

  • CtrlTab
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