Lower Saxony, GermanyAisora4 years ago

Any informations about what those categories would be?

Lower Saxony, GermanyAisora4 years ago

I tried it out and it seems like they've simply updated the game :/ When I do the exact same steps as I did in my former WR, everything unlocks the same way as in degus current WR. You can even get away with a lot less steps in the tutorial, which saves even more time @_@

Lower Saxony, GermanyAisora4 years ago


thanks for the feedback! I'll try those instructions out (Thanks to Google Translate)

I'll have a look into this and try those conditions out.

Don't worry about your English ;)

Lower Saxony, GermanyAisora4 years ago

Here are the 2 runs in comparison:

I'm not saying there's anything wrong with the other run. I just want to understand why my unlock times are so much higher, since I cannot reproduce those same unlock times.

Lower Saxony, GermanyAisora4 years ago

Hi, I was having the following question. I noticed that my WR in the 10 Mario Challenge Category was broken by degu.

I was wondering what he did better compared to me and had a look into his wr.

At that time, I noticed that his run is actually a lot slower for , while his "unlock times" in the beginning are a lot compared to mine.

Just as a reference: I save the sample stage a lot earlier, but start the actual gameplay only @2:00~

He saved his sample stage almost 10 seconds later, but starts the actual gamplay @1:25~

How is this possible? Has there been an update I'm unaware of?

How did he save almost 45 seconds at this point?

When I was running the game heavily, I noticed that you have to wait 30 seconds 2 times after the initial saving.

So when I'm leaving the saving dialog @0:44, I'm able to access the @1:46-@1:47, (because of the input delay for the modals).

Is there any setting or method in the game, which reduces those unlock times?

Lower Saxony, GermanyAisora6 years ago

Single 10 Challenge Runs don't do anything, since the order of your levels are random.

When you do all 7 Challenge Runs, you've played all levels of them (with only the order of them being random). When you do only 1 Challenge Run, you'll always have different levels (expect Run 1 after resetting your save game).

Lower Saxony, GermanyAisora6 years ago

Will check it out. :D

Lower Saxony, GermanyAisora6 years ago

Internet Connection. If the data is not being loaded quick enough, you miss the timing to skip it.

Lower Saxony, GermanyAisora8 years ago

I do understand it ;)

But I don't think that the question is supposed to be creating 60 unique "runs" for every level. That'd be.. weird.

Lower Saxony, GermanyAisora8 years ago

Making the 10 Mario Challenge Courses and NWC stages individual levels takes a lot of the charm and legitimacy away from those runs.

For example: Doing NWC stages in a reverse order (4->-3->2->-1) would always be faster compared to going the intended order (1->2->3->4), because of the loading times.

The same is also true for 10 Mario Challenge Courses. An individual route for those stages would simply cause into different loading times and a reverse run as the most optimal strategy.

In addition to this aspect, there are certain things in a 10 Mario Challenge Run that proves wit's legitimacy rather easy. With the current run you have:

  • A very defined start and finish (no confusion about potentially missed levels)
  • Constant loading times (no timeloss, because of wrong map orders)
  • A constant life bar and progress map that comments your run (making it harder to splice).
  • A small element of RNG in the order of the played maps, which doesn't affect loading times and proves the legitimacy of the run further more in combination with the progress maps.

If you're looking to have accurate splits, then you split after Run 1, Run 2, Run 4 and Run 7.

I can see the desire for some to go for their own routes. But in both categories levels are so short, that those mentioned issues are rather big. So why cause problems like that, if you can just go with the intended route?

The only "issue" that you'd solve by having levels in a different order is that you would remove the tutorial (removing 2x30 Seconds of idle time) and make runs possible without having to reset your savedata.

But those things don't affect the speedrun itself. It's only something that makes it more comfortable to reset/restart a run.

Besides, I don't see the need of making a 4 Minute Run for NWC and a 40 Minute Run for 10-Mario Challenges even shorter.

When you're looking for a short speedrun, you'll go with NWC. When you're looking for a medium-long (small marathon) speedrun, you'll go with 10-Mario Challenges.

I agree that it'd be nice to have more categories. But sadly, SMM doesn't allow for a lot more , if you're looking for constant (non-RNG) results.

The only other category that could work, is beating the tutorial + the initial 10 Mario Challenge. But this would be just a 7 minute category that's very easy to optimize.

Lower Saxony, GermanyAisora8 years ago

I played this category quite a lot now :D

Run 1 and Run 2 fixed. Run 3 and Run 4 share the same 16 levels. Run 5, Run 6 and Run 7 share the same 24 levels.

Each stage has a fixed position in a run.

You can see their order when overviewing their position in their save slots.

You find the first 2 runs in their respective order between saveslots "3-1" and "6-4"

You find the next 2 runs in their respective order in blocks of 2 between saveslots "7-1" and "10-4" So your 3-1 or 4-1 in a run is either 7-1 or 7-2 in the saveslots.

You find the final 3 runs in their respective order in blocks of 3 between saveslots "11-1" and "16-4" The same logic applies here aswell: 5-1 , 6-1 or 7-1 in a run is either 11-1, 11-2 or 11-3 in your saveslot.

So to have the most accurate splits, you should split after: Tutorial, Run 1, Run 2, Run 4 and Run 7. Splitting for Run 3, Run 5 and Run 6 is pointless. I only do it to keep track of the current Run.

Lower Saxony, GermanyAisora8 years ago

First Try or Skip can be a lot of fun :D You can still skip (by dying on purpose) and show off a little bit of your skill ^^

It would make for a very fun category =)

Lower Saxony, GermanyAisora8 years ago

Not skipping has a lot more RNG to it compared to skipping.

It's like playing poker and having to play every hand you get... It's allowed to skip and it should be ;)

Lower Saxony, GermanyAisora8 years ago


I just wanted to make a small suggestion to ensure that the runs for 100-Mario-Challenge are as legit as possible. It's a small thing, but I'd suggest that a 100 Mario Challenge Run has to have the credits at the end of a run. This should be a requirement for both recordings aswell as livestream-vods.

I wanted to check out the stages of the current WR in 100 Mario Challenge and found a lot of normal level among them. 100 Mario Challenges are very easy to splice together when being pre-recorded. So this requirement should ensure that people don't abuse the RNG element of 100 Mario Challenges in this way.

I don't see any downsides to implementing this requirement, since it'll also make the process of verification a lot easier.

Lower Saxony, GermanyAisora8 years ago

The first 1 or 2 runs seem to be fixed.

Afterwards, there are always certain blocks of 4 stages , with 2 blocks creating 1 run. Each block will only be either in the first or second block in a run, but never both.

So if block 1 appears in the first block, you'll never see block 1 as the second block in any run ever.

But which blocks you will get when is completely RNG afterwards.

Since most blocks take up the same amount of time, there's no noticable difference in splits. Maybe 30 seconds at best.

Lower Saxony, GermanyAisora8 years ago

You're already manipulating RNG by using skips to your advantage. The RNG of runs without skips is a lot bigger compared to skipless runs.

Think about playing poker where you'd have to play every hand you get.

For single courses, there are the official time records right now. So I don't think it's required to track them in addition. Although it might be interesting to have ladderboards for some of them.

A run based on a combination of specific custom stages is very tricky, because you'd have to rely on the bookmark-function to make it work in a reasonable way... And this function is not very consistent in general (loading times and latency differ greatly). So you'd have to rely on the sum of time in all stages.

And once you're at that point of adding up times, things will get very messy.

I think additional categories would be nice. But I can't think of any reasonable way of implementing additional runs without there being some problems.

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