Illinois, USAAenderan2 years ago

Oh okay, thanks! I was running on keyboard, so I couldn't get it to work.

Illinois, USAAenderan2 years ago

Hey all. I just picked up this game last night and got what I thought to be a decent time. Comparing my splits to faster runs though, I don't understand how they're moving so fast! My umbrella split was at 22 seconds, and top runs get it around the 14-15 second mark. What makes them move so much faster?

Illinois, USAAenderan2 years ago

To answer the question for anyone else who's looking for the answer: no, the chess computer does not count. Any methods for getting to the end must be possible on a fresh file.

perigonsr, EtaoinWu, y YellowRat les gusta esto
Illinois, USAAenderan2 years ago

If you're playing on PC, you can use the autosplitter that is integrated with LiveSplit. When you go to Edit Splits, there should be an option to activate autosplitter. If you're on console, then there unfortunately is not an autosplitter.

Illinois, USAAenderan2 years ago

UPDATE PART 2 So Egor is amazing and archived version 1.5 for us! I have added the link he gave us in the Resources tab under "Patches". Huge thank you to Egor Yakovlev, the dev of this wonderful game, who helped us keep this game alive!

Habble y Lebial les gusta esto
Illinois, USAAenderan2 years ago

HUGE UPDATE I reached out to the dev, who goes by Egor Yakovlev on Steam, in response to his comment on the post. He replied, stating there's a way to still get the game without Steam and that copyright does not stand for the game as the company no longer exists! You can find the comments using the link at the beginning of the thread. In short, the game is distributable! There was a github link to the decompiler, which I have to learn to use or find someone who does. Expect a distributable copy of the game eventually!!

Lebial y Habble les gusta esto
Illinois, USAAenderan2 years ago

I can't find how to reset my progress for Challenge Mode. Anyone happen to know? Thanks in advance :)

Illinois, USAAenderan3 years ago

ERH is still accessible to those who own it, but it's no longer available for purchase on Steam. As per copyright, DO NOT DISTRIBUTE THIS GAME. We cannot at this time allow the distribution of Egg Returns Home, as the developers have not given permission. If we do get any authorization to do so, an update will follow. Hopefully we can find a work around for new runners. If any ideas come up, let us know.

Illinois, USAAenderan3 years ago

As long as you don't use any benefit that would be gained from collectables, you're fine. That's what we mean by "as if you started from a clean save file".

Hippienator y loriswit les gusta esto
Illinois, USAAenderan3 years ago

the current autosplitter is built for patch 1.10.2020.11.11. If you're not on that patch, the autosplitter won't work. You can downpatch your version using the resource in the Resources tab.

Illinois, USAAenderan3 years ago

This just worked for me as well! Thanks!!

Illinois, USAAenderan4 years ago

My theory is that it's combining both input methods on the phone (tap and touch). This is purely speculation, but maybe there's something with the emulation that's unfaithful to the original.

Shmoji les gusta esto
Illinois, USAAenderan4 years ago

Personally, I'm all for a category split if it were presented. Emulator just has inherent advantages because it uses a controller as opposed to the native controls. It is my belief that if an emulator causes any advantage or does not properly emulate the game, it should either be banned or separated. Due to the amount of the community that runs emu, a ban is off the table.

Refer to Habble's explanation for the explicit advantages of emu, as I don't want to reiterate what's directly above me. But to answer your question... yes, there should be separate categories.

Granolant les gusta esto
Illinois, USAAenderan4 years ago

awesome. Thank you so much!!

Illinois, USAAenderan4 years ago

Converting hex to decimal, F1C8 = 61896. so I think I got it?

Illinois, USAAenderan4 years ago

the ID number on Charmander is 61896. does that mean I missed F1C8?

Illinois, USAAenderan4 years ago

Hey! Another new runner in the forum asking about TID manip for NSC. is there a way I can check my trainer ID on console? I think I did the manip correct, but I want to make sure I'm getting it in practice.

hilo: Aragami
Illinois, USAAenderan4 years ago

Nevermind! I figured it out, and I realize it was a lot easier than I had thought.

For anyone in the future looking for an answer, go to your Local Game files (you can get there through Properties on Steam), then just drop the file into that folder there.

hilo: Aragami
Illinois, USAAenderan4 years ago

I'm having issues figuring out how to use the save data. Can anyone help me?

hilo: The Site
Illinois, USAAenderan5 years ago

I'm sure someone has mentioned this by now, but I'm not seeing my pending submissions. I know they haven't been accepted or rejected yet, and they aren't visible in the "Pending Actions" page.

Imaproshaman les gusta esto
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