Texas, USA04dude34 years ago

You can't go back and fight madame broode after skipping her. She is permanently gone and you can never get the multimoon on that save file

KilleDragon les gusta esto
Texas, USA04dude34 years ago

Oops, my bad. You don't need 560 moons for the skeleton outfit. Iwer is right

KilleDragon les gusta esto
Texas, USA04dude34 years ago

You need 560 moons to unlock the skeleton outfit. So, in this category, one would collect the fastest 560 moons, collecting coins along the way to buy moons, and then coin grind in the cascade dino sub area until 9999 coins (about 30 minutes as 24hourrunz said). IT seems like darker dupes with 60 more moons and more coin grinding. I'm not saying it's a bad category idea, but if you have a category idea that you think would be fun, then you should do a run of it yourself first. If you do not have time to do a run, then maybe think deeply about what this category would offer that is not offered by other categories (similar route to darker side/darker dupes and similar coin grinding to 100%) before posting it to (both of) the forums.

Also why is 2 player mode allowed while assist mode and amiibo are banned? 2 player mode is banned for most categories, and it's not specifically needed for this category.

KilleDragon y Ghosty920 les gusta esto
Texas, USA04dude34 years ago

You can only skip the cascade multimoon in 2 player mode; this category will be in 1 player mode

IwerSonsch y KilleDragon les gusta esto
Texas, USA04dude34 years ago

This seems like a cool idea because it's like a shorter amnpg and it's not arbitrary (the story moons that you collect are required by the game). We should compile a list of required moons and make a route. It can be discussed in the discord instead of here on the forums.

KilleDragon les gusta esto
Texas, USA04dude34 years ago

I haven't actually looked into lake and seaside, but if the routes are unique and interesting enough, maybe the category could be an il of lake/seaside (separated by sub-category). If the route is very similar to any% in either of the kingdoms, then we shouldn't push for it to be on the lb imo.

KilleDragon les gusta esto
Texas, USA04dude34 years ago

@SuperMarioGuy4 HeaRTA was discussed on the discord, as are most things. There is an invite link above where the "forum" button is.

KilleDragon les gusta esto
Texas, USA04dude34 years ago

After grinding/testing this for 2 hours, I can say that I prefer the category as a post game/post cave competition category because the pace feels better without madame broode, essentially an autoscroller, right at the end. Here's a link to my run/pb (1:29):

linny356, Ghosty920 y 4 otros les gusta esto
Texas, USA04dude34 years ago

I feel like it is a stretch to have two similar sub-categories in a 2 minute category with very few runners. I prefer it without madame broode because I don't have to load a new file after every completed run and the fight itself is, imo, boring and annoying

Crafty12345, Ghosty920 y 2 otros les gusta esto
Texas, USA04dude34 years ago

A couple of things to think about: -The entrance to the moon cave is black, so it's hard to see when the fadeout happens (unless you move the camera to the side) -Starting the timing at fadeout would also add an extra load which might have an effect (even if it's tiny) on physical vs digital -Starring timing when mario lands seems like a good option: we need a specific frame for when the timing technically starts -Should runs be with or without madame broode? (I don't think sub-categories are a good idea) -Should runs have the cage already be broken or not? (The cage around one of the wires)

MythicCheese, Ghosty920 y 4 otros les gusta esto
Texas, USA04dude34 years ago

I think what the mods generally recommend is to submit your new pb separately and they will both get verified at once, with the older one immediately being obsoleted

grnts, Pear y 3 otros les gusta esto
Texas, USA04dude34 years ago

@KilleDragon contact techstrobe (he is a moderator) on the super mario odyssey discord

Gaming_64, KilleDragon, y Gaiaphage les gusta esto
Texas, USA04dude35 years ago

In 1.3 single player mode, the minimum number of captures required is 25 (the last electrical wire does not actually count as a capture, and the YouTube videos were probably made before we knew that). Another thing is that you can still speedrun a category and be competitive at it even if it is not on the leaderboard. I wanted to run world peace minimum captures a while ago but never got around to it. It would be cool to see some optimization for this category. :)

KilleDragon les gusta esto
Texas, USA04dude35 years ago

This game is (currently) not optimized down to the millisecond or even second, and it won't be for a long time. A category that takes roughly an hour of a 3d game with many possible angles and such has a low chance of becoming optimized down to the second in the future. I (personally) can't see this game becoming so optimized that if a runner misses "insta-nut" they reset.

Pear, 24HourRunz y 2 otros les gusta esto
Texas, USA04dude35 years ago

Actually 1.1 can do nut jumps but other than that, Iwer explains it perfectly

Imaproshaman y Kramkraft les gusta esto
Texas, USA04dude35 years ago

If it saves time in 2p any%, it is a small amount since you have to switch to 1p mode (idk if that's allowed on the lbs) and collect 4 other slow moons. Also, imo it's not too inconsistent to do in runs if it is faster.

Pidgey les gusta esto
Texas, USA04dude35 years ago

would all captures ILs require all captures available in that specific kingdom? That would be interesting

IwerSonsch les gusta esto
Texas, USA04dude35 years ago

Some categories here could work with ILs. Jumpless, min captures any%, min captures world peace, and min cap throws are the categories I think are the best options. I'm not trying to force this onto the leaderboards or anything, I'm just wondering if anyone other than me would be interested in this or not. :)

grnts, Thog_n y 3 otros les gusta esto
Texas, USA04dude35 years ago

orolme and parazite have lots of timesave in many places lol. Sub hour 2p is not very hard for them. 1p is getting there, but it will take much longer than 2p (I still think it's reasonable). Also this thread is useless, why is it here?

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