New category?
1 year ago
Cumbria, England

I think the game has scope for a new category, that forces full exploration. Perhaps all the pans/artbrushes etc each level would be a good starting point? Thoughts welcome.

Tennessee, USA

I'm not too sure about an "All Collectibles" category for instance; my main issue is there's no way to know how many you've collected until you beat the stage + idk where all of the collectibles are in the levels anyway. That said, if people route it and want it on the leaderboard; I'll add it. Edit: plus the autoscrollers in World 3 have multiple paths, meaning some pans are out of reach. Plus if you miss one that's an easy run over.

Also, something like "No Major Skips" might help with the whole exploration thing. A few levels have big skips that we would disallow if this category happens (mainly 1-2 and 5-1).

Let me know what you think of either of the above.

Editado por el autor 1 year ago
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Publicado 1 year ago
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