Primary Method of Community Communication (if any)?
3 years ago
United States

Hey guys! I'm Lane. I am one of the moderators for the general Star Wars Speedrunning Discord. In the past weeks we've been trying to compile links (mostly discord invites) to the platforms used by various SW speedrunning communities, so that we can point people in the right direction.

Does such a discord server (or other platform) exist for this game? If so I would love to have a link to it, so that we can have it pinned. If not, we do have an unused channel for Battlefront-2015, which you guys are welcome to utilize. However, we tend to be rather Laissez-faire when it comes to this sort of thing, so it's entirely up to you guys how, if at all, you communicate.

Finally, here's a link to the General Star Wars Speedrunning Discord:

Cheers! And feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

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New Dedicated Discord Server!

Hey, everyone!

After numerous messages from people, runners and non-runners alike, we have created a new Discord server - meant only for this community!

The link has already been added to the board. Whether you're a runner or not, we look forward to seeing you join!

2 years ago
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