Blindfolded guide?

Is there a guide for blindfolded? I saw a post of someone asking as well but either he didn't get an answer or someone deleted it.


I wrote a non-definitive guide to just completing every fight blindfolded. It's still not fully finished and does not prioritize speed but if you're interested only in completion, you can check it out here:

I'd also recommend watching the other blind runs on the boards, particularly those of mrmega and hootey, as they can help you visualize strategies and pick up new ones. older runs than these may be missing certain strategies and cranks runs are essentially Single Segment runs at this point in terms of strategy, but they're also all still worth a watch.

i'm pretty sure mega mentioned he was working on a full blind guide at some point. If that ever surfaces, one of us will put it in this thread.

TjTheExhaustedGamer y MrMega les gusta esto

Thanks! Though no one would replie as I haven't see a guide or spreadsheet until now. 👍

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