New possible Category: All Multi Moon / Multi Moon%
6 years ago
United States

Goal is simple. Beat the game with the goal of grabbing every single multi moon in the game.In total their are 22 multi moons. I would estimate that a run of this category would be anywhere between 5:30:00 - 6:00:00, in case any sane person wants to take the time any try it out.

Oregon, USA

this is basically just an extended darker side

Essex, England

It is just darker side full stop

oledakaajel les gusta esto

Darker Side with a detour to Dark Side and the Mushroom Kingdom bosses. Sub 4. Unless you include something like all purples, captures and music tracks, that doesn't make much sense

Estadísticas del juego
Últimos hilos
Publicado 4 years ago
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Publicado 5 years ago
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Publicado 21 hours ago
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Publicado 1 month ago
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Publicado 1 month ago
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Publicado 2 months ago
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