Current Community Sum of Best?
5 years ago

With New records flying and a WR at 1:00:00. How is the community sum of best looking? Has it reached 58:xx?

She/Her, It/Its
5 years ago


United States

The current Community SOB using the best IL times from all runners is at a 59:19.15. Breaking the 58 barrier still has a long way to go. However, the BTT sheet, a sheet combining the best segments between moon grabs, is at a 57:51.75.

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Can I have a link to that sheet?

She/Her, It/Its
5 years ago

@LilKirbs how'd u get the 1:00:00

United States

@LilKirbs does the 59:19.15 include mashing segments? ILs don't include those and they make up a significant portion of the game (sadly)

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