Shooting time...
6 years ago

Guys, after a long time, I went back to the old fixed problems, however, as nothing is so good, new problems appear.

I was watching a speedrun video with Chris and I noticed that his shooting speed is way higher than mine! I would like to know if there is any tactic to be able to shoot faster ...

Here is the video I watched on youtube:


My run:

Editado por el autor 6 years ago
United Kingdom

The technique you're talking about is probably the quickshot.

Fire one shot, then keep holding confirm and mash the aim key. There is a specific timing to it, so it may take practice to get the rhythm.


It may be, I do not understand much of the techniques ... hahaha

I just found the difference in firing rate very strange. I was watching this video to improve my races and see where I wasted time, but I could not understand how he fired so fast!


Is there any video or guide on the internet that teaches you how to do this? I would like to practice this method ...

California, USA

Like FurryWulfz said, we use quick shots. Hold action button and aim button until first shot, then mash aim button for quick shots. It does take practice. I will be making a guide in the next few days on quick shots. It will be uploaded to the guides section so keep an eye out for it there.

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