Opera House Exploits
Opera House Exploits
Actualizado 4 years ago por losi

Cutscene exploit: Let's you run past the first camera in time without having to disable it. Could potentially work in other maps as well. EDIT: (holding the left mouse button as the previous level is ending also seems to cause this glitch)

Out of bounds: Only use i found was speeding up the climbing but feel free to play around with it, it's really easy to pull off (you just have to jump against the beam and go left or right).

Trigger skip: So far it seems like it just soft-locks the game. Oddly enough, the objective NPCs are spawned in the begging of the chapter (there's an angle at which you can see them) but upon skipping the trigger they just aren't there anymore.

Here's the video showing all of the above:

Also found out you can strafejump which gives your jumps some extra length (common thing if u ever ran a source game).

Estadísticas del juego
Corridas recientes
Nivel: White's Estate
Nivel: Shanty Town
Nivel: Shanty Town
Últimos hilos
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