Target Test 5 Cannon Throw Route
6 years ago
United States

Hello all that cares about Target Test All Characters. While Gooby was hacking away at Target Test 4, I routed through Target Test 5. The current trick we are following is what I am deeming the "Cannon Throw" route. There are currently 20 characters that can throw the beginning cannon and hit the top left target, and fall and hit the bottom left target. This significantly shortens TT5 runs, changing from an average of 24-25 seconds to 17-18 seconds.

Also note that so far we have yet to find a difference from Brawl and Project M for this. So this is why I am including it here.

Here is the list: Mario Luigi Kirby Fox Game & Watch Diddy Kong Falco Squirtle Ivysaur Ice Climbers Lucario Ness Sonic Wario Toon Link Rob Olimar Lucas Charizard* Ganon*

*Charizard and Ganon have to do a slide throw in order to make the cannon go all the way to the target.

Note there may be more, but this is the list I have so far found. Feel free to add. For the rest of the characters, the best strat so far is to use your cannon to shoot the top left target, then your last target would be the bottom left.

Wario is a great example of this, so I will link it here:

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I feel like some optimizations can be made here. I think it should go something like this for each character:

  • Hit the one right above you
  • Jump to the barrel, shoot the one on the top right
  • Throw it to the left, and either
  1. You hit both of targets
  2. Hit only one target
  3. Hit none targets
  • Fall down and hit the one slightly below you, while landing on one of the platforms
  • Destroy the one that is now slightly above and to your left (the last one that was broken in the vid) If 1. - Go to the Beam Sword and do what was done in the vid If 2. - Either hit the target on the bottom-left corner (if you can easily do that without dying), or go to the sword and break those targets first, before going to the last one If 3. - Go to the top and destroy the 2 targets while falling down, recovering either to the ledge, ground or onto the spikes for a nifty damage boost, before taking the sword and breaking the last 4 targets with it

Other notes

  • Some with some characters, you can easily break the last 2 targets by jumping towards them, which may be faster than waiting for the Beam Sword to fall down to you
  • If you miss the target on the very right side of the map, then you can usually still reach it with most characters. Some only need to double jump to reach it, while some needs their walljump to reach it and Peach needs to airdodge-throw a turnip in order to gain sufficient height
  • The characters who don't hit either target when throwing the Cannon-thing, can sometimes hit them if you soft-throw the cannon, so I'd advice going for that, and react to whatever happens. If you break one target, then you don't need to go to the top and fall down to break them
  • After throwing the barrel, it can be hard to control which direction you'll be facing when dropping off of the platfrom, so practice which side you want to face while falling down and what aerial is best to use to hit the target that is there

Also, Bowser can also throw the Cannon-thingy to hit both of the targets on the left side

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