New Category: All Events Solo Co-op
6 years ago
Minnesota, USA
She/Her, They/Them
6 years ago

Last night, I had a really silly idea. Play through all the co-op events by myself. It's possible, and I plan to do runs of it soon, so I added it as a miscellaneous category on our leaderboards.

More misc. categories will likely be added in the future, including Subspace Emissary Debug% (abusing debug mode in Subspace to play as Sonic, Giga Bowser, etc), and a category just for the Great Maze (because I've had requests for that).

That's all. Hope you enjoy the new categories!


I have a question. Can I switch between controls during the speedrun? that is to say in event number 1, use player 2 (Kirby) to inhale bowser and throw off the stage, then use player 1 (Mario) while Kirby is falling to defeat Dedede.

Minnesota, USA
She/Her, They/Them
6 years ago

I didn't see this, sorry!

Yes, that's allowed.