Guide to binding multiple keys to one action and one action to multiple keys.
Guide to binding multiple keys to one action and one action to multiple keys.
Actualizado 1 year ago por Jinwu_Loi

You want to go to the your Paper Lily file and look for the json file called:


If you can't find it, start up PL and create a custom binding then exit by the exit button in-game. Inside it will be a single string, delete that and paste this:

{"Caption":"system.settings.input.profile.custom", "Type":"keyboard","CaptionBase":"_captions_keyboard", "Mappings":[ {"Action":"input_up","Key":{"Code":16777232}}, {"Action":"input_down","Key":{"Code":16777234}}, {"Action":"input_left","Key":{"Code":16777231}}, {"Action":"input_right","Key":{"Code":16777233}}, {"Action":"input_action","Key":{"Code":90}}, {"Action":"input_action","Key":{"Code":32}}, {"Action":"input_action","Key":{"Code":16777221}}, {"Action":"input_action","Key":{"Code":16777222}}, {"Action":"input_special","Key":{"Code":67}}]} {"Action":"input_run","Key":{"Code":16777237}}, {"Action":"input_cancel","Key":{"Code":88}}, {"Action":"input_cancel","Key":{"Code":16777217}}, {"Action":"input_menu","Key":{"Code":88}}, {"Action":"input_menu","Key":{"Code":16777217}},

Don't worry this is just the default bindings but you can read it now. Now what does the numbers mean? It's the numbers for the keys on your keyboard.

Here are the links to tell you which.

So there is the action and the key. Just assign the actions to whatever key you like. For example: {"Action":"input_action","Key":{"Code":90}}, {"Action":"input_action","Key":{"Code":32}}, This means that both key Z and key Space with trigger the action to Interact/OK For example: {"Action":"input_cancel","Key":{"Code":88}}, {"Action":"input_menu","Key":{"Code":88}}, This means that the key X will trigger the action Cancel/Back and open up the Menu

Just copy and paste or delete the actions to keys to your liking.

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