2 years ago
Bahia, Brazil

👀 ?1


Never seen that glitch , do you think we should have Individual levels for all of them. Since there are number for the levels that should be easy to do? with rules as Starting time is Starting frame and Ending time is the Starting frame of the next level

Gaming_64 y LordParoah les gusta esto
Bahia, Brazil

I don't know if it would be a good idea to add individual levels to these levels, as the game is very short and it would be almost the same for each Level category, however it is better to leave it as is for now cuz There's no way to access these levels separately, but it's a good idea.


About individual levels it may make sense in some levels but for certian levels like the one before the end i dont see any way for people to fight for a good time since it only involves pressing the w key

Bahia, Brazil

Yeah true, like Level 1, ? Etc

Bahia, Brazil

If IL gotta be true, i will not include this levels

Gergar les gusta esto

no. include all. its not because they are super easy that they cant be there, there are many games where everyone is first place because, it doesnt depend on the players at this point, get them all there 💗, i wouldn't have asked if the levels didnt have numbers. the general rule is that they need to be Recognized by the Developper... in the game OVERLAPPED, they are 30 levels or so, and i almost didnt make the individual run leaderboard, because the level number only appears only if you press Escape... c'mon dont discriminate level #1 :P just get them all

Gaming_64 y LordParoah les gusta esto
Bahia, Brazil

Ok, i Will add all levels.

Akuretaki les gusta esto
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