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Will you make it to Heaven?

Everybody dies at some point. The big question is, where will you go once you do. Are you good enough to make it to heaven? Jesus said: “No one is good except God alone”. ( Mark 10:18 )

God has given us his divine standard for going to heaven, the Ten Commandments. Violating one is called Sin. Have you ever lied or stolen? Be honest. Have you ever gotten angry at someone? God considers that murder of the heart. If you break even one of those, you are guilty of all. ( James 2:10 ). Hell is not a myth and if you've violated the Ten Commandments, God will sentence you to eternal punishment in Hell.

God said that no liar or thief will inherit the kingdom of God ( 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 ) and will be send to the lake of fire. ( Revelations 21:8 ) God is holy and won't lie, therefore, you can trust that he will keep that which he has said. ( Numbers 23:19 )

But, there is good news. God is merciful and does not take pleasure in the death of the wicked. ( Ezekiel 33:11 ) God became a human, Jesus Christ, lived a sinless life, and offered himself as the perfect sacrifice to atone for our sins. After 3 days he rose from the dead and defeated death. He did all this for us so that we may have eternal life if we truly believe in him. ( John 3:16 )

What you need to do is to genuinely repent, turn from our sins, and put our trust in Jesus Christ alone. There is no other way. Jesus said: “I am the truth and the life.” ( John 14:6 ) If you do this, genuinely, like when someone pays the fine for a crime, God can legally let you go and grant you everlasting life.

Do not be deceived, being “good” cannot save you. Only Jesus can. The Ten Commandments are written in our hearts. We know that it is wrong to steal and lie. Please listen to your conscience. Over 54 Million People die each year. This is serious. Please think about this.

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