May Have Discovered a New Glitch
8 years ago
Georgia, USA

I was doing a casual run of Luigi's mansion when an odd glitch occured involving the gravity reverser things in the cellar room. After going up and attempting to take the reverser to enter the basement hallway, I was teleported through the ceiling into the mirror room.

I believe this was caused by what I did earlier in the tea room. I had caught the last ghost while on the ceiling and fell into the gravity reverser during the ghost catching animation. Let me know if anybody else has experienced this glitch before.

Georgia, USA

I landed normal in the mirror room. I'm thinking it may be used to ¤possibly¤ skip from the tea room to the balcony.

New Brunswick, Canada

Yeah, you can skip from the Tea Room to the Balcony with a glitch pretty similar to that, I've never heard of it the way you've described it, but if you just catch a ghost with the right timing on the switch, you can instead of going down to the table, go through the room's ceiling to the balcony. But I'm pretty sure you would need to do it with the Boo, since otherwise you'd be missing the ice medal, which leaves about no room for error since you get one attempt at it, and if it isn't frame-perfect, it's close. It would also qualify as out of bounds and thus be useless in any run. I guess technically you could get more than one attempt at it if you forced other boos into that room, but that would obviously take a lot of time.


Cool find, but I wouldn't see it being helpful in a run.

Georgia, USA

Strange, I was thinking because I landed on the table with the glitch 'loaded' I could snag the ice medal hop back on the ceiling and continue to the balcony. I will do more testing once done recovering from surgery.

Georgia, USA

I can assure you it did happen as I described, I will definitely attempt to replicate it.

Florida, USA

Wish you could get this on film, kind of hard to picture and test without one.

Georgia, USA

Yeah once I am in condition to get on a computer I will replicate and record it. Should be tomorrow when that happens.

Georgia, USA

I have attempted to replicate it, but it seems the glitch was just a one time thing. Although I can get the camera effect where the camera clips under the stage for a few seconds after defeating the last ghost on the tea room, I cannot find a way to use the gravity reverser to fly through the ceiling like before. It is not working on the cellar anymore either.

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