More KH2 Codes
More KH2 Codes
Actualizado 3 years ago por LHBlitz

Any Growth Abilities that involve the use of the Square button do not work as Roxas until the Abilities menu has been obtained (Dodge Roll, Glide or Quick Run)

Stats Max EXP - 20016900 0098967F Max Strength (Sora) - 00015719 000000FF Max Magic (Sora) - 0001571A 000000FF Max Defense (Sora) - 0001571B 000000FF Max Magic (Donald; not sure if this actually matters, because duck flare damage is the same :/) - 0001582E 00000099 Armor Slots (Changes base number of armor slots to 2) - 00015720 00000002

Growth Abilities: Any Growth Abilities that involve the use of the Square button do not work as Roxas until the Abilities menu has been obtained (Dodge Roll, Glide or Quick Run); (The X value can either be 0 or 8, which is up to the player, 8 equips the ability, 0 keeps it unequipped, which applies to all abilities) High Jump LVMAX - 10015772 0000X061 Quick Run LVMAX - 10015774 0000X065 Aerial Dodge LVMAX - 10015776 0000X069 Glide LVMAX - 10015778 0000X06D

Keyblades: Change the last number value to change the number of the item you recieve. Decisive Pumpkin x4 - 000168A8 00000004 Ultima Weapon x4 - 000168AF 00000004 Fenrir x4 - 000168AE 00000004 Bond of Flame x4 - 000168AD 00000004 Fatal Crest x4 - 000168AC 00000004 Mysterious Abyss x4 - 000168AB 00000004 Sleeping Lion x4 - 000168A9 00000004 Rumbling Rose x4 - 000168A5 00000004 Photon Debugger x4 - 000168A3 00000004 Hero's Crest x4 - 0001689F 00000004 Oblivion x4 - 000167C3 00000004

Drives (Equipped to first and second armor slots, see "Stats") Limit Form - 10015724 00000233 Final Form - 10015726 0000001D

Items Megalixirs - 000167A6 00000099 Drive Recoveries - 00016884 00000099

Magic: Change the last number value to change the spell to: 1=base, 2= "-ra", 3= "-ga" Firaga - 000167B4 00000003 Blizzaga - 000167B5 00000003 Thundaga - 000167B6 00000003 Magnega - 000167EF 00000003 Reflega - 000167F0 00000003

Armor/Accessories (number value works the same as "Keyblades") Full Bloom+ x4 - 000167DB 00000004 Shock Charm+ x4 - 000167F3 00000004 Grand Ribbon x4 - 000167F4 00000004

If the file for a Cheat% run is being made on Beginner Mode (Which is faster due to the extra 25% damage over Critical Mode), apply these as well:

Finishing Plus - 1001577C 00000189 Max AP - 00015718 000000FF Draw - 1001577E 00000195

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