Notes from when I was routing and the route
Notes from when I was routing and the route
Actualizado 6 years ago por Sativa

NOTE: A few things post top two can be rearranged and I plan to at some point. Kelly Slaters Pro Surfing Route

    Sebastian > Mavericks competition

    trestles air assault > diving blocks ?? (doesnt give beach)
     mavericks nu skool (doesn't get new beach)
     falling blocks (no new beach)

      diving + falling = no beach
      diving + nu skool = no beach
      diving falling nu skool = frigid blocks
      frigid blocks > shacked + pretty pictures
      shacked = edukashun sliding blocks
      sliding blocks = ?
      edukashun = ?
      pretty pictures = top two
      top two = (change boards*go right*) rotations click flash
      click flash = board
      rotations = personality suit
      click + rotations = descending blocks
      descending blocks = ?
      descending edukashun sliding = face lift
      face lift = dropping blocks
      dropping blocks = photo op + downward blocks
      photo op = g land
      g land = cover shot + no posers + 
      cover shot = ?
      no posers = new board
      downward blocks = tony hawk - in the pit + back of my forehead
      in the pit  = 
      back of my forehead =
      in the pit + back of my forehead = maximum revolution
      maximum revolution = ?
      max revo cover shot no posers = block party
      block party = face off
      face off = tiki god board change
      tiki god = 

Level Notes

photo shoot notes menuing! dont jump the pier end trick menuing! get ranked 100k and decent amount of face and air and can end each round up right a for high score air assault falling careful of specials beacause of low stats frigid blocks pretty second picture or retry dont select your fucking photo board top two clicks special trick second picture or retry 80k rotations get special before 540s edukashun dont fucking mess up over dumb combo x's cam girls 15k + 100k not specials G revert into tube 2-4 tube tricks then face + air compelete one good trick then back to tube rinse repeat each heat posers specials 150k

Route (Probably outdated) surfman route photo shoot get ranked air assault falling diving nu skool frigid blocks shaked pretty pictures board change top two click flash rotations descending edukashun sliding face lift dropping blocks photo op board switch g land downward blocks in the pit back of my forehead max revo no posers cover block party face off board change tiki god POGGERS? shambala

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