4 months ago

In my run I skip what would be where it shows the EXP and weapons that are given to you at the end of each level the only thing I do is as I play in window mode I change to the split tab or any tab that is open and that causes it to be skipped all that.

It's the same as doing this:


New South Wales, Australia

Hey Apinardo! Thank you for letting us know. If you don’t know about LiveSplits global hotkeys so you don’t have to tab out of the game for it definitely check that out. Looking forward to checking out your run!

Iowa, USA

I didn't really understand from the video you posted, but while watching your run, I understand what you are saying. I also thought that you were talking about manually splitting. That skip is going to save a lot of time if you can do a single segment without having to stop to eat. The rewards screen can take a while to go through if you get a lot of loot boxes in a mission.

New South Wales, Australia

Oh I see now! Amazing find. Well, unless someone else claims to have discovered it I feel you can name it if you’d like. Apinardo Skip, SoWS (Spoils of War Skip) or whatever you’d like haha

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Publicado 4 months ago
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