Locations of All Treasures - Level 03 - Tian Shan River (N64)
Locations of All Treasures - Level 03 - Tian Shan River (N64)
Actualizado 2 years ago por the_kovic

This guide will show you all the treasure locations with a short written commentary on how to reach them. It will also show a difficulty rating which expresses how hard it is to find/reach the treasure without hints. Treasures are presented in the order in which it is believed to be fastest to collect them.

Treasure 1 - Gold Coins


Commentary: Secret hunting 101: turn around after the start of the level. Climb up and you will find a corpse with Gold Coins.

Difficulty rating: x

Treasure 2 - Silver Coins


Commentary: Also found near the start of the level, when you come across a small gorge, you will notice a plateau on the other side. Jump across the gap and you will find Silver Coins near a tree.

Difficulty rating: x

Treasure 3 - Treasure Chest


Commentary: Found inside the Russian border base. When you climb into a vent instead of going right, turn left and drop into a small room where you will find a Treasure Chest on top of some crates. You can exit the room via the door, it opens from this side.

Difficulty rating: xx

Treasure 4 - Silver Idol


Commentary: Make sure you don't miss this one because you can't backtrack without glitches. On the first bit of river after you leave the Russian base with the raft, you can notice a waterfall by the left side. Sail into the waterfall and you will find a small cave with a corpse and a Silver Idol.

Difficulty rating: xx

Treasure 5 - Silver Coins


Commentary: After you pass underneath the rotating metal bridge, you will land with raft on a snowy shore. What follows is a small mountain pass which leads to a stone bridge and the candle altar. In this pass, there are some Silver Coins hidden behind a rock near a tree on the left side.

Difficulty rating: x

Treasure 6 - Gold Coins


Commentary: Next four treasures are found in and around the piston area. This treasure is found near the stairs leading into the piston room itself. There's a small niche in one of the rock faces with an healing herb and some Gold Coins inside.

Difficulty rating: x

Treasure 7 - Gold Idol


Commentary: Located on the top floor of the piston floor, you will see quite an obvious altar which holds a Gold Idol.

Difficulty rating: x

Treasure 8 - Silver Bar


Commentary: A very sneaky treasure, this one is found above the stairs leading to the candle in the piston area. You may notice three pairs of small niches with lamps inside them. However, the center niche doesn't have any lamps inside but a Silver Bar instead. You are meant to use your whip to climb in there but on the N64, Indy can grab the ledge from a simple jump.

Difficulty rating: xxx

Treasure 9 - Blue Gem


Commentary: This treasure is not only sneaky but also very hard to get to. Located in a small room behind the water wheel to the left of the water canal inside the piston room, it's is very hard to fight the current and steer the raft into it, especially on the less agile N64 raft. If you manage to do it, a Blue Gem will be your reward. A way how to get inside using glitches may be considered for the future.

Difficulty rating: xxx

Treasure 10 - Gold Coins


Commentary: Don't forget this last treasure! You can find some Gold Coins on a stump behind the big tree with one of the four candles.

Difficulty rating: x

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