Fast Incendio
Fast Incendio
Actualizado 4 years ago por Nanonym

Comparison between Regular Incendio (Top-Left); Early 1st Input (Top-Right) and Fast Incendio (Bottom). You can gain 3s each time, if done correctly.

To Early Input, press and hold the first input just when Harry's wand leaves the bottom of the screen. /!\ Update : you just have to hold the first input for it to be automaticly pressed when the QTE starts.

To do that Fast Incendio, you have to press 2 inputs in a row, the first just before entering the circle, and the second just before leaving it. The timing can be a bit confusing, since you can't input too fast (about 0,2/3s between both inputs).

These are the inputs for all of the Incendios :

Incendio Class Cross - [Square - Cross] - [Cross - Triangle] X - [ ] - X - X - /\

Forest Wall Triangle - [Circle - Triangle] - [Circle - Cross] /\ - O - /\ - O - X

Forest Bush Cross - [Circle - Square] - [Circle - Triangle] X - O - [ ] - O - /\

Forest Wall Circle - [Cross - Triangle] - [Circle - Square] O - X - /\ - O - [ ]

Devil Snare Square - [Triangle - Cross] - [Circle - Square] [ ] - /\ - X - O - [ ]

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