0:53 Hayami
9 months ago
New York City, NY, USA

Step 1: dodge his jab when he reaches the center then hook combo Step 2: repeat step 1 to knock him down Step 3: repeat step 1 3 more times with the 3rd one ending with an uppercut Step 4: you should knock him down by then because i have 0:53 hayami and im not totally sure how i did it but i remember the basic idea of it.

New York City, NY, USA

LONG uppercut i meant

New York City, NY, USA

btw i was trying to record a video of me getting my 0:53 hayami record again and kept failing for an hour so i almost smashed my pc

New York City, NY, USA

oh yeah i messed up, i meant 2nd time you do the uppercut, there is no 3rd time

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