DD Any% Route v1.5.1
DD Any% Route v1.5.1
Actualizado 2 years ago por legrandgrand

Tangle Wood (Blank/Blank) Whirlwind first three fights, run from everything else First flower; sb Matt, Torch to Matt Set Growth and fireball there Swap matt/karis Get bramble seed after first flower (super important) Tangle Bloom: Torch/Ground, Ramses/Tiamat (not Cybele!!!!)

Patchers Place (Blank/Growth) No to flint [Safety] Get elixir from under the bridge Don’t get forge until after psynergy training ground Set fireball in psy ground Left corner for ‘boss’ fights Growth: change psynergy to whirlwind/fireball Don’t flip third arrow!! Jupiter section: after tongue, change to move/fireball Mars section: if waste a fireball, enter dd fight with 2 fireball Dim Dragon: T1-2: Growth/Earthquake/Fireball& T3: Flint/EQ/Venus Get oil drop from behind green guy in south house

Carver’s Camp (Move/Fireball) Run from fights except listed below, Skip Gust Fights: Apes, more than 1 wolfkin cub, Hobbles: Whirlwind/EQ/Fireball

Don’t save the kid!
Shouldn't be fixing djinn, chill should go to tyrell
	Fever (clear patch of land left of mountain), Def/Atk/Chill (rainbow)
try not to heal until flower, also hotkey whirlwind to R
	Djinn: K: V, M: Me, T: Ma
Cure with Karis – avoid using psynergy crystal unless essential

Konpa Ruins (Move/Whirlwind) Fights: Everything: F Bolt (L)/Def/F Wall (R) Skeletons: F Bolt/Thorn/F Wall (no need to target) Elven shirt in second ‘flower’ puzzle, can be put on Tyrell for faster fights Can get the shirt after pushing first pillar down if quick. GO left after puzzle After flower puzzle, go to statue, then back down If not on Tyrell, Equip Elven Shirt (MATTHEW) and Grip Crystal at same time, Elixir to Tyrell Also hotkey Grip/Fireball, Retreat after fire Stay healed, care for skeletons Won’t be able to rainbow amazes

Ambush: SB everything except Matt

T1:  Bramble (C)/Ramses (R)/Kirin (C) (IMPT: Ramses R!!!)
T2:  Oil Drop (C)/Chill(L)/Anything

Problems: Tyrell/Karis slowed (use Mercury with Matthew in these cases)
Tyrell/Karis stunned: Elixir with Matt (maybe heal with Tyrell?)
Matt stunned: sigh
Distribute any weasel claws to Tyrell/Matt in case Karis gets stunned

Pillar puzzle: right, bottom, left
Heal on wiseone if someone died (30 sec)

Post Ruins sections: Fights: Mob levels: 10 other than Harpy (11), Troll (11) and Hobblegobs (12), start running at 10? Most things: Plasma/EQ/Def/Prism, Drop EQ if <3 enemies (not hobgob) and target Pixies: Plasma/Def/Def/Def Only fight mobs of three unless situation is dire] SB for runnin

Venus to Matt
1 Mars to Riev
Riev's Merc to Karis

Elven Shirt to Rief
Harapa: sell psynergy stone, buy 20 khiren water, sanctuay to get oil drop in pot and cinder

Passaj Mountain Climb Bark: SB all, set Matt WW/Atk/Tiamat/Nereid SB Rief after that keeps prism (tap)

Passaj: CS, alchemy 1, FLUTE, out Get bramble seed from bottom box on the way out

Grab ether en route to Kaocho (west of Kaocho near waterfall)
	Ether: 	SB all, set Me
			Prism/Ramses (max left)/Tiamat/Def (Cybele takes forever...)
After Ouroboros, Grip left from Stairs, Get steel from Kaocho

Ayuthai (Fire/Grip) set whirlwind to L Go right with second raft dammit Show blue general the letter Right/Left/Right to get to tree room In tree room play flute [don’t need to talk to tree] Same for sand prince

Sand Prince Djinn: Flower SB with Chill Sleet SB, with Forge set Bark with Cinder SB Matt

Summary: 1Ma+1J+Flower K, 2V+ Chill M, sleet+V T, 2Ma R Heal before fight if necessary

T1: bramble seed/Judge/Bark/Nereid
T2: herb/Spire/Def/Prism
T3: Flower/Chill/sleet/prism
T4: Plasma/def/def/Nereid

Items: Elven Shirt (R) to Tryell, Sand Prince (K or M) to Tyrell Arid Heat to R

Barai Temple: (Whirlwind/Arid)

Djinn recovered: SB Riev Forge SB, with Bark, then with Flint Cinder, with Chill Steel to Tyrell Sleet to Riev K: 1J+1V+Bark, Matt: 2Ma, Tyrell: 2V R: 2Me+1Ma

Fights: Def (Flash Bolt for lizard men)/Def/Arid/Def
Run from as many things as possible, fight hydras since they're EXP efficient.

In waterfall room, left for Kimono (Karis) then Right to proceed
Hotkey douse to L over WW
Fireball Surge's arse
	Surge: SB Mars (if not already) Tiamat/Def/Arid/Def

Can weigh the left side down from the right
Pipe puzzle: left first!!!
Run into stream to fall down
Hotkey WW to L while growth with Karis
Retreat after Insight Glass
Get Breath (rightmost ladder)

Generals Amiti with Rief SB all except Bark and Breath. Khiren water on Tyrell if not 30 PP

T1: Bark/Judgement (L)/Arid Scorch (R)/Boreas (R)
T2: Plasma (L)/Def/Arid (R)/Def

If fireworks used on Tyrell (i.e. breath SB) then heal with Karis T2 and use another offensive psynergy with Amiti

Djinn recovered: 
Surge, SB with Bark, SB
Breath with Flower
K: 1Me+2J (SB Me), M: Bark+2Ma, T: 3V, A: 3Me, use Avoid

Ourouboros (Whirlwind/Arid) Equip Kimono on Karis, use Flute Cant run until level 13+ Fireball to R Salamanders: Prism or Plasma/Mad Growth/Arid Scorch/Diamond or Deluge Otherwise fights are straight forward, do fight big parties because people can die

Vortex puzzle: move to R
SB Tyrel
Vortex: Judgement/def/def/def

Retreat after Sol Mask
Buy Kaocho Dumpling to get Lava and get it 

Passaj 2/Ice Queen (Avoid/Move) Get Zol Ring after Sol Mask (Top Right, Top Left, Bottom Right) Harapa Ruins, left side, go to right side, don’t go across ice until statue is moved!!! Ignore serac Puzzle: URDLU then easy

Ice Queen: Rief swap for Karis Zol Ring to Tyrell Djinn: SB all, Bark set, with Chill, Set Karis Djinns, Vortex (K) to Tyrell No then Yes to Ice Queen T1: Bark/Judgement/Meteor/Boreas T2: Swap Karis, Oil Drop/Ragnarok/Arid Scorch/Defend Ply Well T1 does need extra psynergy, probably a def/psynergy/arid/def turn

Ice Queen to Amiti, Zol ring to Amiti, Whirlwind to L, Cold Snap R, retreat
Use the Inn in Harapa to end H"arapa night
[Can buy more Khiren water if feeling scared; almost always not necessary]

Clouds of Passaj (Whirlwind/Cold Snap) Djinn: Surge with Vortex Chill to Amiti Surge with Bark (Riev)

Grip to R when need it
After psynergy stone, go as fast as possible to dodge ball (careful I think it's on a global timer)
Shouldn’t need delays for the other balls
Use stylus on big staircase

Craggy Peak (Whirlwind/Grip) Go left first (shouldn’t need to use Wise One) Move on L when you can (yes, before WW room) Do not walk in front of the mirror dammit Interior: (expect 14/15/14/15 levels in party) Fights: Try to run from small mobs. Chimeras weak to Merc, Plasma/Def/Arid/Frostbite will clear all mobs, AS/FB will kill single target except Chimera Chimera are best EXP farm

Aquarius [go left to use grip] (left)
Gemini Room: Move Right side. (left)
Leo Room: (left)
Virgo room: grip from left (left)
Libra: right, left, right (left)
Pisces room (go up+right to grip) Douse over move (left)
Aries Room: (fireball over douse) middle, right, max right, middle (left)
Cancer: grip from righ (left)
Scorpio Room: Move scorpio left, up. Then top left block: right, down.
Capricorn: silly room. (left)
Taurus: Fireball from top, cold snap on Fireball after that, SB Tyrell
	Doldrum: Judgement (Karis)+Frostbite,RIGHT
Sagittarius Room: Grip from the left side, then retreat

Can run most of the time before Te Rya @ Level 14-15, probably worth for small mobs

Teppe Ruins (Cold Snap/Grip) [fight parties of size 3 or larger] Wyverns: Plasma+Arid (if 2, need to attack the non-targetted one with matt) Dreadhounds: Plasma (L), Arid (L), Frostbite (R)

Te Rya: Stay on lowground to get to rightmost house (else, Sveta cutscene!), then left to house w/ snow on roof, ignore djinn (fury)
Teppe 1: Ignore djinn, DONT GO UP, right side!!
Get bag, retreat

Teppe 2:
leftest drop 
Get vine

Belinsk (Cold Snap/Grip)[fight if parties are 3+] Fights: Frostbite+stuff Average x2 fail before success in running. Everything is poor EXP. Best EXP density is Phantasmal Bog

Talk to band member, leave immediatly

Border Town After pirate cutscene, go left into the bridge to grab sirocco

Port Rago (Cold Snap/Grip) [fight if parties are 3+] Set move on L when moving boxes Get Weasel Claw from barrel left side of high ground Ignore Coral

Sludge (Move/Grip) [take all fights] Get bramble seed from north barrels, weasel claw from western box, then lady in second floor herb shop Fights: Plasma/Def/Arid/Frost, dropping plasma for creepers and spiders Chimera Mage (381 HP): Everything and the kitchen sink Hotkey cold snap over move when dousing the leaf Ignore Glare, and hence ignore frosting the puddles. Cold snap leaf

SB all, Set Bark, set Doldrum, Sirocco with Doldrum, with Fever Zol ring to karis, Bramble to Karis, Weasel to Matt, Weasel to Amiti

T1: bramble (S)/weasel (S)/ bark/weasel (S)
T2: thor/doldrum/meteor/boreas
T3: judgement if needed

Give Crush to Tyrell, zol ring back to Amiti, use Hermes water on tree
Get ninja garb from second floor of inn

Kolima Forest (Cold Snap/Grip) Growth on R First crush; hotkey over Growth, set djinn, Ninja Garb to Karis

Talon Peak: (Cold Snap/Crush) Fights: General: Tornado/Def/Arid/Frost Gryphons: Tornado (L)/Anything (L)/Arid (R)/Frost (R) Gryphons are EXP dense, Dirty Apes somewhat.

Move when moving pillar over Cold snap
Grip when needed  over move
Don’t move the pillar all the way left!! 
Slap Glove when needed

Roc: SB all, Pewter to Tyrel, Bark to Matt, Set Doldrum and Bark Swap Rief over Tyrell T1: Thor/Doldrum/Nereid/Boreas Swap Tyrel over Riev T2: Jupiter/Judgement/Meteor/Frostbite

Belinsk 2 (Crush/Grip) Retreat immediately after Magma Orb (skip puff) Go back through Kolima and talk to musician; head to Belinsk through Kolima Junction, Get Teardrop in junction avoid threshold 21-22 Play Prelude

Ruins Mad Demon/Aqua Hydra are EXP dense. Talk to tablet First room crush top one BEFORE CHASM Swap Sveta and Matt, Sveta with Tyrell, Matt and Riev swap djinn between Sveta and Amiti, Teardrop to Sveta Lava to Karis SB Amiti and Karis Lava with Doldrum (M), Vine with Bark

Chasm: Thor/Def/Thor/Def	
Move over Grip for Chess puzzle (right, up, etc)
WW over Move for Jup puzzle
Venus puzzle: growth
Arid over Crush for Merc puzzle
Douse over Arid for lighthouse
Talk to door, Mars down left, Venus top left,  Merc top right, Jupiter down right (WW to R)	

Blados/Chalis SB all, Set Doldrum (K), Chasm (T), one on sveta, vine (M) Matt over Karis T1: Vine/Chasm/Thor(L)/Boreas (R) Karis over Amiti T2: Judgement (R)/Meteor (L)/Thor (L)/Doldrum (L)

If Shadow Shield T1, psynergy should clean up T3.
If lose someone T1 (e.g. punish) then summon as close as possible to the above + powerful psynergy

Post-Luna Tower (WW/Douse) Get eclipse, not crystallux Top right in castle, then left for Eoleo Party: Karis, Tyrel, Sveta, Amiti (psy only means SB Mars djinn on Karis) Skorponas: Eclipse/Defend/Defend/Frostbite

To Harun (Blank) Eoleo is super deadweight Sea fights: Lizard/Harridan/Gillman net ~1k EXP each. Not super worth but worth considering.

Tornado/Shine Plasma/Arid/Frost

Warrior Hill – (Blank) Everything except Bulky Bugmen are EXP dense.

Set cold snap then crush to R when possible (don't retreat)
Do warriors hill through to activating the eye room then retreat

Get Chain after 2nd tower rise (SB Karis and Amiti)&
	Chain: double Thor with  Tyrell/Sveta
Now do Harun channel [don't talk to Ihan after returning to Harun village]
Then return for the eye (saves 9 seconds) (run out don't retreat out after getting eye)

Himi (Crush/Move) Get Kite after Uzume’s tomb (just use Search)

Karis with Tyrel, Matt with Karis,Amiti with Tyrel // Amiti, Matt, Sveta, Tyrel Zol Ring to Sveta, Elven Shirt to Amiti, Kimono to Himi SB all Matt's Mars with Amiti's J (3) Matt's Venus with Sveta's Me (2) Tyrel's V with Amiti's J (2, with Chasm) 3 Sveta Me with Tyrel's V (3)

1 Tyrell Me with Karis J Bark with Karis'J Set Karis

Himi with Matt, Karis with Tyrel // Amiti, Himi, Sveta, Karis Flower with Karis' Mars, with Vine Pepper with Bark, with Chasm Chasm to Sveta, with Himi's Djinn Chain with Himi's V Set Amiti, Himi, Sveta

Troubleshoot Amiti: 5 R Karis: 2 J 1 M + Kite, Vine Himi: 3V + Chain, Bark Sveta: 6 V Matt: 3 R, Vine, Chain => 3 J 2 M Rief: 2 M 1 J+ Bark, Kite => 3 J 2 M Tyrel: 3 J 2 M

Gaia Falls Cave: (Crush/Move) Monsters are EXP dense. Trolls can be killed if focused. Lizards will take 2 turns.

Grip over Crush when needed.
Grip chest = umbra gear, growth chest = mimic DONT FIGHT IT
Get shell then backtrack (don’t retreat!!)

Lonely Island Ruins: (Move/Grip) Swap in second party at eclipse world and try to run from all fights until they’re dead (Eoleo and Matt are faster) Fights need all psynergy probably Soldiers weak to Venus, otherwise use Jupiter Left door correct path Don't frost puddle when entering! Slap over Move when needed. Slap from puddle

Burning Cave: (Slap/Grip) Run from boat fights Stuff weak to Jupiter mostly Go right upon entering cave Thermal to L after first Thermal GRIP TO LEAVE Die outside Burning Cave to warp to Tonfon REVIVE ONLY FIRST FOUR WITH HIMI

Snowdrift Shrine: (Thermal/Grip) Eclipse monsters: Need max psynergy, try to run from 1 monster Snowdrift monsters: Mid-tier psynergy, except Grislys (400HP+) Drop down second from right Left, Right Left

Iceburg Outpost: (Thermal/Grip) En route deaths are acceptable, as such run from everything Iceburg after the big one is cue to enter eclipse Go right when you get on the house!!!!!! Standby all djinn upon leaving and try your best to die!

Tonfon: (Thermal/Grip) Go through palace bullshit (yes go to queen CS) Grab LEFTMOST items (yay psynergy crystal). Ring is rightmost chest Revive with Himi upon leaving Equip: Sveta: Umbra Gear Give Karis Lady Moon Ring Heal Himi’s psynergy with crystal

Yamata (Thermal/Grip) Kill the stuff on the land, yes, even dirges Skip Sizzle Fights: weak guys: 250hp, gryphon/plant 500 After red tablet, dodge the damn teleporter First puzzle: left to right, middle to left, right to middle, (in this order) Second puzzle: left to middle, mid to left, right to right Grip when coming back!

Endless Wall (Thermal/Grip) Fights: Everything is 500hp+ so full attacks. Only Sveta and Amiti attack first. Route this properly!! Hotkey Crush over Thermal at first chance. In second area, run around before doing the grips!!!!! Third room: go all the way left first Skull room: Eyes first, then forehead, then nose Use track... there are two possible paths

Apollo Sanctum (Crush/Grip) Mars door: easy Jupiter door: chest = psynergy crystal, get it! Mercury: down first, move statue (no grip!) Venus: Don't press the obvious button, go up and create grip thing then crush

Apollo Lens Left, Right then Top!!!!! (quicker sol blade) Fights: Strong psynergy

Troubleshoot: Himi: Full V, incl Bark/Chasm/Chain Sveta: Full V Amiti: 5Ma + Shell Karis: 3J+1Me+Vine, inc Kite Rief: 2Me+3J SB Matt: 2Me+3J SB, Tyrell: 2Me+3J SB Eoleo: 4Ma SB

Chaos Hound (Himi/Sveta/Amiti/Karis) Weap Grace/Beastform/Shell/Kite Chasm/Slam+Slam/Wish/Vine Chain/Slam/Frostbite/Def(FB is in case of dmg range, if Vial T2 going to need another and use bark with Himi here instead)

Chaos Chimera (heal, SB all but Himii, Sveta, Amiti AND VINE; WoL to Karis) Retribution, djinn blast or a bad stun can just wreck your day here. Such is the life of speedrunning.

Best case scenario fight: Weap Grace/Beastform/Shell/Eclipse [swap tyrell in for amiti] Chasm/Speed Punch/Venus/Eclipse [swap matthew in for tyrell] Bark/Speed Punch/Venus/Eclipse (Heal Karis if low, shouldn't need Bark again) [swap rief in for matthew] Chasm/Speed Punch/Venus/Eclipse (Dead) One Shadow Shield warrants an additional speed punch.

Strategy: IF SOMEONE DIES: Switch in Amiti, Shell and Res with Himi or Karis. Vine with Karis if don't have to resurrect. Himi weapons grace Sveta, then Chasm/Bark where needed Sveta spams speed punch where ever possible. Karis summons Eclipse where ever possible. Amiti Shell to complete Karis' first eclipse, can use wish well when needed, swapped with other party members to summon eclipse Other party members; summon venus/ramses to refresh Himi's djinn


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