Chapter 3 - Krackpot's Lab Skip
Chapter 3 - Krackpot's Lab Skip
Actualizado 7 years ago por Ashja

The name is self-explanatory. This trick allows you to go out of bounds and make it to the end level trigger, without having to complete the challenge. This saves at least 20 seconds compared to a very good normal route (Seen in the comparison video below) which rarely happens, because this is arguably the most difficult room in the game. Compared to an average normal route, this saves 30+ seconds!

The setup for this trick is simple enough but getting it is difficult and not super consistent:

First you need to get spotted by a Jessie & Clyde (Make sure you don't get spotted by the other two, otherwise it will make this very difficult). As soon as you see it turn red go left into the side room and run to the right side of the large table, keeping an eye on the Jessie & Clyde you woke up to make sure it's fairly close to you. If the telephone on the table goes off, quickly scare cancel and run back.

At this point the Jessie & Clyde will stop for a second then start running towards you, as soon as it stops you need to quickly line Cooper up next to the bottom right leg of the wooden stool (It could also be the bottom right leg, depending on how you look at it). This will make the Jessie & Clyde stop quite a bit away from you and initiate an attack, for this trick we need it to do it's scream + throw attack. If it's starts it's other attack, immediately run away until it calms down then go back to the wooden stool.

(If you're too far to the right or left, the Jessie & Clyde will come right up to Cooper which is bad).

This is the difficult part of the trick: As soon as Cooper is in the scared state go right and line Cooper up with the corner of the large table and move forward just a tiny bit (Image of correct spot below). If you're in the correct place the Jessie & Clyde will attempt to throw Cooper towards the freezers in the other room but instead he'll hit a solid wall and land out of bounds!

(This however is what makes this trick inconsistent, because the spot you need to be standing in is very precise and it's hard to get in the short amount of time you have to get there)

Once you're out of bounds line Cooper up with the end wall of the side room, then go forward. This part is scary as if you are too far to the right you'll fall and die and if you're too far to the left you'll clip back in-bounds. On top of this the Jessie & Clyde will start coming after you. Once you're on the other side go to where the challenge door is and run behind it.

This trick is very risky but rewarding so it's up to you as to whether or not you go for this trick in a speedrun. If you do decide to go for it, I recommend attempting it at least once or twice and if you don't get it just go for the normal route.

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