$129.75 in Bounties for scrap mechanic challenge levels (prebuilt)
4 months ago
United States

(Value in title is slightly miscalculated, total is actually $132)

ending at the end of June; PREBUILT CATEGORY

$20 for the record on 50

$10 for the record on 43

$5 for the record on 18

$3 for unmentioned levels 42-49

$1.50 for unmentioned levels with times 10s and over (as of may 13th) this will also include level 7 since it is close enough

$0.50 for the rest

Spreadsheet containing level prize values

total prize pool for June: $88

Will pay out half the above mentioned prizes at the end of may (that is, if someone gets the record on 43 by the end of may, they get $5, if they hold it until the end of june, they get another $10 for $15) so a maximum prize pool of $132 if every level is taken from me both months


Just to add a little buffer, if the record is taken within 2 days before the end of the month, it will only count after the record has held for 3 days. Just to prevent people from just uploading the record late so I have no chance to take it back

Editado por el autor 3 months ago
Tulsa, OK, USA

question, is it pre-built creations or not pre-built creations?

United States

question, is it pre-built creations or not pre-built creations?

As stated in the title, this is the prebuilt creations category. Though I may throw in discretionary prizes for non-prebuilt if a run is good enough (no promises, hence discretionary)