New "Peak" feature idea for leaderboards
2 years ago

This feature would show the position that each run was at the time it was uploaded. I know you can filter the leaderboards by the date to find this out, however, I still think this would be cool. Maybe it's best for the feature to be toggleable as it isn't vital information but still cool for the people that want it.

sYn, MrMonsh y 6 otros les gusta esto
Iowa, USA

Edit. I understand what your saying now and that would'nt be a bad idea.

Editado por el autor 2 years ago
YUMmy_Bacon5 y Ridgy les gusta esto

Sounds cool! I wrote this down :)

In the future, on top of discussing in the forums, you should also submit it to the Support Hub Feedback Form

Gaming_64, Bob-chicken y 5 otros les gusta esto

Personally, I can only see this being useful for really large boards. There’s only one board I mod where I think it would have some kind of use, and it only applies for one category.

YUMmy_Bacon5 y Ridgy les gusta esto
French Southern Territories

Not just for really large boards. It would be great to see what position obsolete runs were when they were submitted. Also, I think it would be useful for any category with a decent number of runs, like 10.

YUMmy_Bacon5, Walgrey, y MrMonsh les gusta esto

Another cool idea to derive from this is to show this "peak" position of the run in the "Recent Runs" widget instead of the current position, as if I have two runs for the same category and one obsoletes the other, it pushes the rank of the older run below what it released in.

That run that shows as "4th" is only 4th if we include both my new run and the older one, otherwise it'd be 3rd. Showing the original rank it had when it was uploaded would be much more representative for this widget.

YUMmy_Bacon5, Merl_, y astrolite les gusta esto