Contesting a rejected run.
4 years ago
Pennsylvania, USA


TLDR: So I have a run that has been rejected by a mod for "Probably used a tool for shooting". Is there any system for contesting this?

I've submitted many runs and haven't had any rejected before so am unsure what to do. I sent the mod in question a pm asking why he thought I had used a tool for shooting (turbo?) a couple days ago. However seeing as it took ~4months for the run to get rejected the first time I thought this time around I would actually post on the forums instead of waiting around.

The run itself( ) is very simple it's for this game . It would currently beat the WR time so I don't know if he saw the time and just figured it was impossible without cheating but my shots aren't any better then the current WR (in fact they get into the final boss room before me) I actually beat the time because I discovered a glitch to skip one of the phases of the final boss which currently isn't in any of the other runs.

Pennsylvania, USA

Actually got a message back from the mod so attempting to talk to him about it now.

Pennsylvania, USA

update for those curious. We came to a reasonable agreement for me to prove to him I wasn't cheating ended up making these videos and he accepted the run afterwards.

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