3 years ago

Right now I'm reading this post.

(The original post was deleted by the way, it asked what are we reading right now)

Editado por el autor 3 years ago
Gaming_64, jag2791 y 6 otros les gusta esto
New York, USA

Damn it. I would have made that joke.

jag2791, 69_others, y Oreo321 les gusta esto
Kentucky, USA

Tros of Samotharge

it's a Sword and Sorcery pulp in the vein of conan the barbarian, but in a pseduo "hellenic" setting instead of the usual.

69_others les gusta esto
Pennsylvania, USA

The Scarlet Gospels written by Clive Barker. Barker is probably one of my favorite authors next to Tom Clancy.

69_others les gusta esto
New Brunswick, Canada

At the moment Legend of Zelda Four Swords Manga, after I finish that I'll be reading one of my antique books I own from 1912, and then a book I bought the other day called "I want to eat your pancreas" which oddly enough if a romance novel and not a zombie novel like some people have thought when I told them the title

SuperAL1 y 69_others les gusta esto

Strange the Dreamer by Laini Taylor

69_others les gusta esto

I do not know what books i want to read

69_others y ShadowFlare7799 les gusta esto
United States

Textbooks. School just started.

MinecraftGaming y 69_others les gusta esto
Kentucky, USA

Spade and Archer - a prequel to The Maltese Falcon - good detective pulp stuff

Osmosis_Jones y 69_others les gusta esto
Pennsylvania, USA

HellBlazer John Constantine comic books

xenkaroshi les gusta esto
Jönköping, Sweden

chris claremont's X-Men


Only four chapters left of the last Game Of Thrones book. Gonna be so sad when I have to wait 5,600 years for the next one.

Pear les gusta esto
Minnesota, USA

i just finished a book and im waiting for one to arrive through the mail, right now im just reading all the calvin and hobbes and pearls before swine books i have because those are very easy reads

Pear les gusta esto
Hesse, Germany

Ik I’m late but I’m reading Zelda Mangas (every single one) and the Yu-Gi-Oh! Mangas